Inventory UI changes needed for ECS


Current situation or problem: Consortia members must have the ability to collaborate in contributing and managing cataloging records. It must be possible to understand whether existing instances are shared or local, and to create/edit shared/local instances, depending on user permissions

In scope

  • User can tell whether an existing instance is shared or local

  • User can edit shared or local instances in a member library tenant, without changing affiliation to the shared tenant

  • User can create local instances for a member library tenant, but cannot create shared instances for a member library tenant (for phase 1)

  • User can create shared instances for a central library tenant, but cannot create local instances

  • User can view/create/edit the holdings and items for a member library tenant

  • User can view summary or detailed holdings and items for other member libraries, depending on user permissions

Out of scope

  • Changes for search, filter, and results display are being handled by Spitfire in a separate Jira

  • Creating/editing local instances for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that)

  • Creating/editing/deleting/moving holdings/items for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that)

Use case(s){*}*

Proposed solution/stories

  • Add info to the Instance record view and edit screens that indicates whether the record is shared/local

  • Add ability to show/hide consortium holdings on a shared Instance

  • Ensure the user can identify which shared holdings/items they can view details for, which they can edit, and which they can only view summary data for

  • Ensure the user can identify which library the consortial holdings belong to

  • No changes needed to holdings/item detail views

Links to additional info


Fix versions

Development Team



Solution Architect

Parent Field Value


Parent Status



is defined by

Confluence content

mentioned on



TestRail: Results


Dennis Bridges
updated the LinkFebruary 27, 2024 at 6:05 PM
This issue is continued by UXPROD-4715
Dennis Bridges
updated the LinkFebruary 27, 2024 at 6:05 PM
This issue is cloned by UXPROD-4715
Dennis Bridges
updated the LinkFebruary 27, 2024 at 5:58 PM
This issue is cloned by UXPROD-4715
Ann-Marie Breaux
changed the StatusNovember 27, 2023 at 5:09 PM
In Review
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the ResolutionNovember 27, 2023 at 5:09 PM
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesOctober 30, 2023 at 4:07 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2462
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesOctober 30, 2023 at 4:05 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2638
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesOctober 30, 2023 at 1:51 PM
This issue is defined by MODINV-913
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesOctober 30, 2023 at 1:50 PM
This issue is defined by MODINV-914
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesOctober 30, 2023 at 1:47 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2613
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesOctober 27, 2023 at 1:49 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2647
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesOctober 25, 2023 at 1:04 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2640
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesOctober 25, 2023 at 1:03 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2639
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesOctober 25, 2023 at 1:00 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2638
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesOctober 18, 2023 at 11:44 AM
This issue is defined by STCOR-749
Mariia Aloshyna
updated the Linked IssuesOctober 17, 2023 at 2:05 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2629
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesOctober 12, 2023 at 1:27 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2622
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesOctober 12, 2023 at 1:23 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2621
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesOctober 12, 2023 at 12:38 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2619
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesOctober 11, 2023 at 7:51 AM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2618
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesOctober 11, 2023 at 7:50 AM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2618
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesOctober 11, 2023 at 7:39 AM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2617
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesOctober 11, 2023 at 7:19 AM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2616
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesOctober 11, 2023 at 7:12 AM
This issue is defined by MODINV-885
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesOctober 11, 2023 at 6:06 AM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2613
Khalilah Gambrell
updated the Linked IssuesOctober 10, 2023 at 10:59 PM
This issue is defined by UIDATIMP-1541
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesOctober 10, 2023 at 1:27 PM
This issue is defined by UIDATIMP-1539
Ann-Marie Breaux
changed the StatusOctober 5, 2023 at 6:25 AM
In progress
In Review
Mariia Aloshyna
updated the Linked IssuesOctober 4, 2023 at 9:46 AM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2605
Ivan Kryzhanovskyi
updated the Linked IssuesOctober 3, 2023 at 2:44 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2586
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the LabelsSeptember 27, 2023 at 3:50 PM
LC1 consortia ecs epam-folijet inventory metadatamanagement
LC1 at-risk consortia ecs epam-folijet inventory metadatamanagement
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesSeptember 27, 2023 at 8:06 AM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2590
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesSeptember 25, 2023 at 6:39 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2586
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesSeptember 25, 2023 at 10:46 AM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2588
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesSeptember 22, 2023 at 1:49 PM
This issue is defined by UIDATIMP-1526
Mariia Aloshyna
updated the Linked IssuesSeptember 22, 2023 at 1:02 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2587
Oleksii Petrenko
updated the Linked IssuesSeptember 19, 2023 at 3:25 PM
This issue links to "Page (FOLIO Wiki)"
Oleksii Petrenko
updated the Linked IssuesSeptember 19, 2023 at 3:17 PM
This issue links to "Page (FOLIO Wiki)"
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesSeptember 13, 2023 at 12:35 PM
This issue is defined by MODINV-874
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesSeptember 13, 2023 at 12:15 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2576
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesSeptember 13, 2023 at 12:13 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2575
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesSeptember 13, 2023 at 3:14 AM
This issue is defined by MODCON-94
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesSeptember 11, 2023 at 2:49 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2572
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesAugust 29, 2023 at 5:24 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2551
Mariia Aloshyna
updated the Linked IssuesAugust 29, 2023 at 12:15 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2552
Natalia Zaitseva
updated the Linked IssuesAugust 28, 2023 at 10:31 AM
This issue is defined by UIPFAUTH-75
Natalia Zaitseva
updated the Linked IssuesAugust 28, 2023 at 10:30 AM
This issue is defined by UIQM-545
Natalia Zaitseva
updated the Linked IssuesAugust 28, 2023 at 10:28 AM
This issue is defined by UISAUTCOMP-70
Natalia Zaitseva
updated the Linked IssuesAugust 28, 2023 at 9:24 AM
This issue is defined by UIMARCAUTH-305
Mariia Aloshyna
updated the Linked IssuesAugust 18, 2023 at 1:32 PM
This issue is defined by UIDATIMP-1513
Mariia Aloshyna
updated the Linked IssuesAugust 14, 2023 at 2:30 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2529
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesAugust 9, 2023 at 5:55 AM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2525
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesAugust 9, 2023 at 5:54 AM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2524
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesAugust 9, 2023 at 5:22 AM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2523
Ann-Marie Breaux
changed the StatusJuly 31, 2023 at 8:25 PM
Analysis Complete
In progress
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesJuly 21, 2023 at 2:48 PM
This issue is defined by UICONSET-134
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesJuly 21, 2023 at 2:48 PM
This issue is defined by STCOR-734
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesJuly 19, 2023 at 12:21 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2498
Ivan Kryzhanovskyi
updated the Back-End Confidence factorJuly 4, 2023 at 2:09 PM
Ivan Kryzhanovskyi
updated the Back End EstimateJuly 4, 2023 at 2:09 PM
XL < 15 days
Medium < 5 days
Mariia Aloshyna
updated the Front-End Confidence factorJuly 4, 2023 at 1:57 PM
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the LabelsJune 28, 2023 at 8:07 PM
LC1 consortia ecs epam-folijet inventory metadatamanagement needs-be-estimate needs-ui-estimate
LC1 consortia ecs epam-folijet inventory metadatamanagement
Ann-Marie Breaux
changed the StatusJune 28, 2023 at 8:07 PM
In Refinement
Analysis Complete
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the DescriptionJune 27, 2023 at 4:01 AM
{*}Current situation or problem{*}: Consortia members must have the ability to collaborate in contributing and managing cataloging records. It must be possible to understand whether existing instances are shared or local, and to create/edit shared/local instances, depending on user permissions *In scope* * User can tell whether an existing instance is shared or local * User can edit shared or local instances in a member library tenant, without changing affiliation to the shared tenant * Use can create local instances for a member library tenant * User can view/create/edit the holdings and items for a member library tenant * User can view summary or detailed holdings and items for other member libraries, depending on user permissions *Out of scope* * Changes for search, filter, and results display are being handled by Spitfire in a separate Jira * Creating/editing local instances for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) * Creating/editing/deleting/moving holdings/items for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) {*}Use case(s){*}{*}{{*}} *Proposed solution/stories* * Add info to the Instance record view and edit screens that indicates whether the record is shared/local * Add ability to show/hide consortium holdings on a shared Instance * Ensure the user can identify which shared holdings/items they can view details for, which they can edit, and which they can only view summary data for * Ensure the user can identify which library the consortial holdings belong to * No changes needed to holdings/item detail views *Links to additional info* * []
{*}Current situation or problem{*}: Consortia members must have the ability to collaborate in contributing and managing cataloging records. It must be possible to understand whether existing instances are shared or local, and to create/edit shared/local instances, depending on user permissions *In scope* * User can tell whether an existing instance is shared or local * User can edit shared or local instances in a member library tenant, without changing affiliation to the shared tenant * User can create local instances for a member library tenant, but cannot create shared instances for a member library tenant (for phase 1) * User can create shared instances for a central library tenant, but cannot create local instances * User can view/create/edit the holdings and items for a member library tenant * User can view summary or detailed holdings and items for other member libraries, depending on user permissions *Out of scope* * Changes for search, filter, and results display are being handled by Spitfire in a separate Jira * Creating/editing local instances for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) * Creating/editing/deleting/moving holdings/items for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) {*}Use case(s){*}{*}{{*}} *Proposed solution/stories* * Add info to the Instance record view and edit screens that indicates whether the record is shared/local * Add ability to show/hide consortium holdings on a shared Instance * Ensure the user can identify which shared holdings/items they can view details for, which they can edit, and which they can only view summary data for * Ensure the user can identify which library the consortial holdings belong to * No changes needed to holdings/item detail views *Links to additional info* * []
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the DescriptionJune 27, 2023 at 4:00 AM
{*}Current situation or problem{*}: Consortia members must have the ability to collaborate in contributing and managing cataloging records. It must be possible to understand whether existing instances are shared or local, and to create/edit shared/local instances, depending on user permissions *In scope* * User can tell whether an existing instance is shared or local * User can edit shared or local instances in a member library tenant, without changing affiliation to the shared tenant * User can view/create/edit the holdings and items for a member library tenant * User can view summary or detailed holdings and items for other member libraries, depending on user permissions *Out of scope* * Changes for search, filter, and results display are being handled by Spitfire in a separate Jira * Creating/editing local instances for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) * Creating/editing/deleting/moving holdings/items for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) {*}Use case(s){*}{*}{{*}} *Proposed solution/stories* * Add info to the Instance record view and edit screens that indicates whether the record is shared/local * Add ability to show/hide consortium holdings on a shared Instance * Ensure the user can identify which shared holdings/items they can view details for, which they can edit, and which they can only view summary data for * Ensure the user can identify which library the consortial holdings belong to * No changes needed to holdings/item detail views *Links to additional info* *
{*}Current situation or problem{*}: Consortia members must have the ability to collaborate in contributing and managing cataloging records. It must be possible to understand whether existing instances are shared or local, and to create/edit shared/local instances, depending on user permissions *In scope* * User can tell whether an existing instance is shared or local * User can edit shared or local instances in a member library tenant, without changing affiliation to the shared tenant * Use can create local instances for a member library tenant * User can view/create/edit the holdings and items for a member library tenant * User can view summary or detailed holdings and items for other member libraries, depending on user permissions *Out of scope* * Changes for search, filter, and results display are being handled by Spitfire in a separate Jira * Creating/editing local instances for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) * Creating/editing/deleting/moving holdings/items for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) {*}Use case(s){*}{*}{{*}} *Proposed solution/stories* * Add info to the Instance record view and edit screens that indicates whether the record is shared/local * Add ability to show/hide consortium holdings on a shared Instance * Ensure the user can identify which shared holdings/items they can view details for, which they can edit, and which they can only view summary data for * Ensure the user can identify which library the consortial holdings belong to * No changes needed to holdings/item detail views *Links to additional info* * []
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesJune 14, 2023 at 2:58 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2461
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesJune 14, 2023 at 2:58 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2460
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesJune 14, 2023 at 2:56 PM
This issue relates to UXPROD-4210
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the ReleaseJune 14, 2023 at 4:31 AM
Quesnelia (R1 2024)
Poppy (R2 2023)
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Fix versionsJune 14, 2023 at 4:31 AM
Quesnelia (R1 2024)
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Fix versionsJune 14, 2023 at 4:31 AM
Poppy (R2 2023)
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesJune 13, 2023 at 3:00 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2461
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesJune 13, 2023 at 2:59 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2460
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Back-End Confidence factorJune 13, 2023 at 2:55 PM
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Back End EstimatorJune 13, 2023 at 2:55 PM
Khalilah Gambrell
Kateryna Senchenko
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Front-End Confidence factorJune 13, 2023 at 2:54 PM
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Front End EstimatorJune 13, 2023 at 2:54 PM
Khalilah Gambrell
Mariia Aloshyna
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Front End EstimateJune 13, 2023 at 2:54 PM
XL < 15 days
XXXL: 30-45 days
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesJune 13, 2023 at 2:46 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2458
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the DescriptionJune 13, 2023 at 2:31 PM
*{color:red}[~accountid:557058:b069a93f-6f5f-43c0-a76f-f668b7eb6bb0] Should I add UI stories for Source = MARC-shared/FOLIO-Shared here or in a different feature?{color}* [~accountid:5af5e627525ba96b58654f12] please add the UI stories here. {*}Current situation or problem{*}: Consortia members must have the ability to collaborate in contributing and managing cataloging records. It must be possible to understand whether existing instances are shared or local, and to create/edit shared/local instances, depending on user permissions *In scope* * User can tell whether an existing instance is shared or local * User can edit shared or local instances in a member library tenant, without changing affiliation to the shared tenant * User can view/create/edit the holdings and items for a member library tenant * User can view summary or detailed holdings and items for other member libraries, depending on user permissions *Out of scope* * Changes for search, filter, and results display are being handled by Spitfire in a separate Jira * Creating/editing local instances for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) * Creating/editing/deleting/moving holdings/items for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) {*}Use case(s){*}{*}{{*}} *Proposed solution/stories* * Add info to the Instance record view and edit screens that indicates whether the record is shared/local * Add ability to show/hide consortium holdings on a shared Instance * Ensure the user can identify which shared holdings/items they can view details for, which they can edit, and which they can only view summary data for * Ensure the user can identify which library the consortial holdings belong to * No changes needed to holdings/item detail views *Links to additional info* *
{*}Current situation or problem{*}: Consortia members must have the ability to collaborate in contributing and managing cataloging records. It must be possible to understand whether existing instances are shared or local, and to create/edit shared/local instances, depending on user permissions *In scope* * User can tell whether an existing instance is shared or local * User can edit shared or local instances in a member library tenant, without changing affiliation to the shared tenant * User can view/create/edit the holdings and items for a member library tenant * User can view summary or detailed holdings and items for other member libraries, depending on user permissions *Out of scope* * Changes for search, filter, and results display are being handled by Spitfire in a separate Jira * Creating/editing local instances for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) * Creating/editing/deleting/moving holdings/items for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) {*}Use case(s){*}{*}{{*}} *Proposed solution/stories* * Add info to the Instance record view and edit screens that indicates whether the record is shared/local * Add ability to show/hide consortium holdings on a shared Instance * Ensure the user can identify which shared holdings/items they can view details for, which they can edit, and which they can only view summary data for * Ensure the user can identify which library the consortial holdings belong to * No changes needed to holdings/item detail views *Links to additional info* *
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesJune 13, 2023 at 1:15 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2461
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesJune 13, 2023 at 1:15 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2462
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesJune 13, 2023 at 1:12 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2460
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesJune 13, 2023 at 1:08 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2459
Olamide Kolawole
updated the DescriptionJune 8, 2023 at 12:57 PM
*{color:red}[~accountid:557058:b069a93f-6f5f-43c0-a76f-f668b7eb6bb0] Should I add UI stories for Source = MARC-shared/FOLIO-Shared here or in a different feature?{color}* {*}Current situation or problem{*}: Consortia members must have the ability to collaborate in contributing and managing cataloging records. It must be possible to understand whether existing instances are shared or local, and to create/edit shared/local instances, depending on user permissions *In scope* * User can tell whether an existing instance is shared or local * User can edit shared or local instances in a member library tenant, without changing affiliation to the shared tenant * User can view/create/edit the holdings and items for a member library tenant * User can view summary or detailed holdings and items for other member libraries, depending on user permissions *Out of scope* * Changes for search, filter, and results display are being handled by Spitfire in a separate Jira * Creating/editing local instances for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) * Creating/editing/deleting/moving holdings/items for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) {*}Use case(s){*}{*}{{*}} *Proposed solution/stories* * Add info to the Instance record view and edit screens that indicates whether the record is shared/local * Add ability to show/hide consortium holdings on a shared Instance * Ensure the user can identify which shared holdings/items they can view details for, which they can edit, and which they can only view summary data for * Ensure the user can identify which library the consortial holdings belong to * No changes needed to holdings/item detail views *Links to additional info* *
*{color:red}[~accountid:557058:b069a93f-6f5f-43c0-a76f-f668b7eb6bb0] Should I add UI stories for Source = MARC-shared/FOLIO-Shared here or in a different feature?{color}* [~accountid:5af5e627525ba96b58654f12] please add the UI stories here. {*}Current situation or problem{*}: Consortia members must have the ability to collaborate in contributing and managing cataloging records. It must be possible to understand whether existing instances are shared or local, and to create/edit shared/local instances, depending on user permissions *In scope* * User can tell whether an existing instance is shared or local * User can edit shared or local instances in a member library tenant, without changing affiliation to the shared tenant * User can view/create/edit the holdings and items for a member library tenant * User can view summary or detailed holdings and items for other member libraries, depending on user permissions *Out of scope* * Changes for search, filter, and results display are being handled by Spitfire in a separate Jira * Creating/editing local instances for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) * Creating/editing/deleting/moving holdings/items for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) {*}Use case(s){*}{*}{{*}} *Proposed solution/stories* * Add info to the Instance record view and edit screens that indicates whether the record is shared/local * Add ability to show/hide consortium holdings on a shared Instance * Ensure the user can identify which shared holdings/items they can view details for, which they can edit, and which they can only view summary data for * Ensure the user can identify which library the consortial holdings belong to * No changes needed to holdings/item detail views *Links to additional info* *
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the DescriptionJune 7, 2023 at 9:03 PM
*{color:red}[~accountid:557058:b069a93f-6f5f-43c0-a76f-f668b7eb6bb0] Should I add UI stories for Source = MARC-Shared/FOLIO-Shared here or in a different feature?{color}* {*}Current situation or problem{*}: Consortia members must have the ability to collaborate in contributing and managing cataloging records. It must be possible to understand whether existing instances are shared or local, and to create/edit shared/local instances, depending on user permissions *In scope* * User can tell whether an existing instance is shared or local * User can edit shared or local instances in a member library tenant, without changing affiliation to the shared tenant * User can view/create/edit the holdings and items for a member library tenant * User can view summary or detailed holdings and items for other member libraries, depending on user permissions *Out of scope* * Changes for search, filter, and results display are being handled by Spitfire in a separate Jira * Creating/editing local instances for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) * Creating/editing/deleting/moving holdings/items for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) {*}Use case(s){*}{*}{{*}} *Proposed solution/stories* * Add info to the Instance record view and edit screens that indicates whether the record is shared/local * Add ability to show/hide consortium holdings on a shared Instance * Ensure the user can identify which shared holdings/items they can view details for, which they can edit, and which they can only view summary data for * Ensure the user can identify which library the consortial holdings belong to * No changes needed to holdings/item detail views *Links to additional info* *
*{color:red}[~accountid:557058:b069a93f-6f5f-43c0-a76f-f668b7eb6bb0] Should I add UI stories for Source = MARC-shared/FOLIO-Shared here or in a different feature?{color}* {*}Current situation or problem{*}: Consortia members must have the ability to collaborate in contributing and managing cataloging records. It must be possible to understand whether existing instances are shared or local, and to create/edit shared/local instances, depending on user permissions *In scope* * User can tell whether an existing instance is shared or local * User can edit shared or local instances in a member library tenant, without changing affiliation to the shared tenant * User can view/create/edit the holdings and items for a member library tenant * User can view summary or detailed holdings and items for other member libraries, depending on user permissions *Out of scope* * Changes for search, filter, and results display are being handled by Spitfire in a separate Jira * Creating/editing local instances for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) * Creating/editing/deleting/moving holdings/items for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) {*}Use case(s){*}{*}{{*}} *Proposed solution/stories* * Add info to the Instance record view and edit screens that indicates whether the record is shared/local * Add ability to show/hide consortium holdings on a shared Instance * Ensure the user can identify which shared holdings/items they can view details for, which they can edit, and which they can only view summary data for * Ensure the user can identify which library the consortial holdings belong to * No changes needed to holdings/item detail views *Links to additional info* *
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesJune 7, 2023 at 8:41 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2453
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesJune 7, 2023 at 8:40 PM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2452
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesJune 7, 2023 at 5:52 AM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2449
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesJune 7, 2023 at 5:29 AM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2448
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesJune 7, 2023 at 5:07 AM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2447
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the DescriptionJune 7, 2023 at 4:15 AM
{*}Current situation or problem{*}: Consortia members must have the ability to collaborate in contributing and managing cataloging records. It must be possible to understand whether existing instances are shared or local, and to create/edit shared/local instances, depending on user permissions *In scope* * User can tell whether an existing instance is shared or local * User can edit shared or local instances in a member library tenant, without changing affiliation to the shared tenant * User can view/create/edit the holdings and items for a member library tenant * User can view summary or detailed holdings and items for other member libraries, depending on user permissions *Out of scope* * Changes for search, filter, and results display are being handled by Spitfire in a separate Jira * Creating/editing local instances for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) * Creating/editing/deleting/moving holdings/items for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) {*}Use case(s){*}{*}{{*}} *Proposed solution/stories* * Add info to the Instance record view and edit screens that indicates whether the record is shared/local * Add ability to show/hide consortium holdings on a shared Instance * Ensure the user can identify which shared holdings/items they can view details for, which they can edit, and which they can only view summary data for * Ensure the user can identify which library the consortial holdings belong to * No changes needed to holdings/item detail views *Links to additional info* *
*{color:red}[~accountid:557058:b069a93f-6f5f-43c0-a76f-f668b7eb6bb0] Should I add UI stories for Source = MARC-Shared/FOLIO-Shared here or in a different feature?{color}* {*}Current situation or problem{*}: Consortia members must have the ability to collaborate in contributing and managing cataloging records. It must be possible to understand whether existing instances are shared or local, and to create/edit shared/local instances, depending on user permissions *In scope* * User can tell whether an existing instance is shared or local * User can edit shared or local instances in a member library tenant, without changing affiliation to the shared tenant * User can view/create/edit the holdings and items for a member library tenant * User can view summary or detailed holdings and items for other member libraries, depending on user permissions *Out of scope* * Changes for search, filter, and results display are being handled by Spitfire in a separate Jira * Creating/editing local instances for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) * Creating/editing/deleting/moving holdings/items for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) {*}Use case(s){*}{*}{{*}} *Proposed solution/stories* * Add info to the Instance record view and edit screens that indicates whether the record is shared/local * Add ability to show/hide consortium holdings on a shared Instance * Ensure the user can identify which shared holdings/items they can view details for, which they can edit, and which they can only view summary data for * Ensure the user can identify which library the consortial holdings belong to * No changes needed to holdings/item detail views *Links to additional info* *
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the DescriptionJune 7, 2023 at 4:11 AM
{*}Current situation or problem{*}: Consortia members must have the ability to collaborate in contributing and managing cataloging records. It must be possible to understand whether existing instances are shared or local, and to create/edit shared/local instances, depending on user permissions *In scope* * User can tell whether an existing instance is shared or local * User can edit shared or local instances in a member library tenant, without changing affiliation to the shared tenant * User can view/create/edit the holdings and items for a member library tenant * User can view summary or detailed holdings and items for other member libraries, depending on user permissions *Out of scope* * Changes for search, filter, and results display are being handled by Spitfire in a separate Jira * Creating/editing local instances for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) * Creating/editing/deleting/moving holdings/items for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) {*}Use case(s){*}{*}{{*}} *Proposed solution/stories* * Add info to the Instance record view and edit screens that indicates whether the record is shared/local * Add ability to show/hide consortium holdings on a shared Instance * Ensure the user can identify which shared holdings/items they can view details for, which they can edit, and which they can only view summary data for * Ensure the user can identify which library the consortial holdings belong to * No changes needed to holdings/item detail views *Links to additional info* * *
{*}Current situation or problem{*}: Consortia members must have the ability to collaborate in contributing and managing cataloging records. It must be possible to understand whether existing instances are shared or local, and to create/edit shared/local instances, depending on user permissions *In scope* * User can tell whether an existing instance is shared or local * User can edit shared or local instances in a member library tenant, without changing affiliation to the shared tenant * User can view/create/edit the holdings and items for a member library tenant * User can view summary or detailed holdings and items for other member libraries, depending on user permissions *Out of scope* * Changes for search, filter, and results display are being handled by Spitfire in a separate Jira * Creating/editing local instances for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) * Creating/editing/deleting/moving holdings/items for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) {*}Use case(s){*}{*}{{*}} *Proposed solution/stories* * Add info to the Instance record view and edit screens that indicates whether the record is shared/local * Add ability to show/hide consortium holdings on a shared Instance * Ensure the user can identify which shared holdings/items they can view details for, which they can edit, and which they can only view summary data for * Ensure the user can identify which library the consortial holdings belong to * No changes needed to holdings/item detail views *Links to additional info* *
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the DescriptionJune 7, 2023 at 4:11 AM
{*}Current situation or problem{*}: Consortia members must have the ability to collaborate in contributing and managing cataloging records. It must be possible to understand whether existing instances are shared or local, and to create/edit shared/local instances, depending on user permissions *In scope* * User can tell whether an existing instance is shared or local * User can edit shared or local instances in a member library tenant, without changing affiliation to the shared tenant * User can view/create/edit the holdings and items for a member library tenant * User can view summary or detailed holdings and items for other member libraries, depending on user permissions *Out of scope* * Changes for search, filter, and results display are being handled by Spitfire in a separate Jira * Creating/editing local instances for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) * Creating/editing/deleting/moving holdings/items for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) {*}Use case(s){*}{*}{{*}} *Proposed solution/stories* * Add info to the Instance record view and edit screens that indicates whether the record is shared/local * Add ability to show/hide consortium holdings on a shared Instance * Ensure the user can identify which shared holdings/items they can view details for, which they can edit, and which they can only view summary data for * Ensure the user can identify which library the consortial holdings belong to * No changes needed to holdings/item detail views *Links to additional info* * *{color:red}add link to PPT or wiki page{color}*
{*}Current situation or problem{*}: Consortia members must have the ability to collaborate in contributing and managing cataloging records. It must be possible to understand whether existing instances are shared or local, and to create/edit shared/local instances, depending on user permissions *In scope* * User can tell whether an existing instance is shared or local * User can edit shared or local instances in a member library tenant, without changing affiliation to the shared tenant * User can view/create/edit the holdings and items for a member library tenant * User can view summary or detailed holdings and items for other member libraries, depending on user permissions *Out of scope* * Changes for search, filter, and results display are being handled by Spitfire in a separate Jira * Creating/editing local instances for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) * Creating/editing/deleting/moving holdings/items for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) {*}Use case(s){*}{*}{{*}} *Proposed solution/stories* * Add info to the Instance record view and edit screens that indicates whether the record is shared/local * Add ability to show/hide consortium holdings on a shared Instance * Ensure the user can identify which shared holdings/items they can view details for, which they can edit, and which they can only view summary data for * Ensure the user can identify which library the consortial holdings belong to * No changes needed to holdings/item detail views *Links to additional info* * *
Ann-Marie Breaux
changed the StatusMay 31, 2023 at 10:01 AM
In Refinement
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesMay 31, 2023 at 7:57 AM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2440
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesMay 31, 2023 at 7:55 AM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2439
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesMay 31, 2023 at 7:31 AM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2438
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the Linked IssuesMay 31, 2023 at 7:30 AM
This issue is defined by UIIN-2437
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the ReporterMay 31, 2023 at 7:22 AM
Dennis Bridges
Ann-Marie Breaux
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the DescriptionMay 31, 2023 at 7:19 AM
{*}Current situation or problem{*}: Consortia members must have the ability to collaborate in contributing and managing cataloging records. It must be possible to understand whether existing instances are shared or local, and to create/edit shared/local instances, depending on user permissions *In scope* * User can tell whether an existing instance is shared or local * User can edit shared or local instances in a member library tenant, without changing affiliation to the shared tenant * User can view/create/edit the holdings and items for a member library tenant * User can view summary or detailed holdings and items for other member libraries, depending on user permissions *Out of scope* * Changes for search, filter, and results display are being handled by Spitfire in a separate Jira * Creating/editing local instances for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) * Creating/editing/deleting/moving holdings/items for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) {*}Use case(s){*}{*}{{*}} *Proposed solution/stories* * Add info to the Instance record view and edit screens that indicates whether the record is shared/local * Add ability to show/hide consortium holdings on a shared Instance * Ensure the user can identify which shared holdings/items they can view details for, which they can edit, and which they can only view summary data for * Ensure the user can identify which library the consortial holdings belong to * No changes needed to holdings/item detail views *Links to additional info* * *{color:red}add link to PPT or wiki page*{color}
{*}Current situation or problem{*}: Consortia members must have the ability to collaborate in contributing and managing cataloging records. It must be possible to understand whether existing instances are shared or local, and to create/edit shared/local instances, depending on user permissions *In scope* * User can tell whether an existing instance is shared or local * User can edit shared or local instances in a member library tenant, without changing affiliation to the shared tenant * User can view/create/edit the holdings and items for a member library tenant * User can view summary or detailed holdings and items for other member libraries, depending on user permissions *Out of scope* * Changes for search, filter, and results display are being handled by Spitfire in a separate Jira * Creating/editing local instances for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) * Creating/editing/deleting/moving holdings/items for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) {*}Use case(s){*}{*}{{*}} *Proposed solution/stories* * Add info to the Instance record view and edit screens that indicates whether the record is shared/local * Add ability to show/hide consortium holdings on a shared Instance * Ensure the user can identify which shared holdings/items they can view details for, which they can edit, and which they can only view summary data for * Ensure the user can identify which library the consortial holdings belong to * No changes needed to holdings/item detail views *Links to additional info* * *{color:red}add link to PPT or wiki page{color}*
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the DescriptionMay 31, 2023 at 7:18 AM
{*}Current situation or problem{*}: Consortia members must have the ability to collaborate in contributing and managing cataloging records. It must be possible to understand whether existing instances are shared or local, and to create/edit shared/local instances, depending on user permissions *In scope* * User can tell whether an existing instance is shared or local * User can edit shared or local instances in a member library tenant, without changing affiliation to the shared tenant * User can view/create/edit the holdings and items for a member library tenant * User can view summary or detailed holdings and items for other member libraries, depending on user permissions *Out of scope* * Changes for search, filter, and results display are being handled by Spitfire in a separate Jira * Creating/editing local instances for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) * Creating/editing/deleting/moving holdings/items for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) {*}Use case(s){*}{*}{{*}} *Proposed solution/stories* * Add info to the Instance record view and edit screens that indicates whether the record is shared/local * Add ability to show/hide consortium holdings on a shared Instance * Ensure the user can identify which shared holdings/items they can view details for, which they can edit, and which they can only view summary data for * Ensure the user can identify which library the consortial holdings belong to * No changes needed to holdings/item detail views *Links to additional info* *add link to PPT or wiki page*
{*}Current situation or problem{*}: Consortia members must have the ability to collaborate in contributing and managing cataloging records. It must be possible to understand whether existing instances are shared or local, and to create/edit shared/local instances, depending on user permissions *In scope* * User can tell whether an existing instance is shared or local * User can edit shared or local instances in a member library tenant, without changing affiliation to the shared tenant * User can view/create/edit the holdings and items for a member library tenant * User can view summary or detailed holdings and items for other member libraries, depending on user permissions *Out of scope* * Changes for search, filter, and results display are being handled by Spitfire in a separate Jira * Creating/editing local instances for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) * Creating/editing/deleting/moving holdings/items for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) {*}Use case(s){*}{*}{{*}} *Proposed solution/stories* * Add info to the Instance record view and edit screens that indicates whether the record is shared/local * Add ability to show/hide consortium holdings on a shared Instance * Ensure the user can identify which shared holdings/items they can view details for, which they can edit, and which they can only view summary data for * Ensure the user can identify which library the consortial holdings belong to * No changes needed to holdings/item detail views *Links to additional info* * *{color:red}add link to PPT or wiki page*{color}
Ann-Marie Breaux
updated the DescriptionMay 31, 2023 at 7:18 AM
{*}Current situation or problem{*}: Consortia members must have the ability to collaborate in contributing and managing cataloging records. It must be possible to manage the importing and sharing of bibliographic records at the consortia level *In scope* * User has the ability to import and "share" an individual instance with the entire consortia * User has the ability to import and "share" multiple instances with the entire consortia via batch import in MARC format * User has the ability to identify which Instances are shared *Out of scope* * Changes for search, filter, and results display are being handled by Spitfire in a separate Jira {*}Use case(s){*}{*}{{*}} *Proposed solution/stories* * Add info to the Instance record view and edit screens that indicates whether the record is shared/local * Add ability to show/hide consortium holdings on a shared Instance * Ensure the user can identify which shared holdings/items they can view details for, which they can edit, and which they can only view summary data for * Ensure the user can identify which library the consortial holdings belong to * No changes needed to holdings/item detail views *Links to additional info*
{*}Current situation or problem{*}: Consortia members must have the ability to collaborate in contributing and managing cataloging records. It must be possible to understand whether existing instances are shared or local, and to create/edit shared/local instances, depending on user permissions *In scope* * User can tell whether an existing instance is shared or local * User can edit shared or local instances in a member library tenant, without changing affiliation to the shared tenant * User can view/create/edit the holdings and items for a member library tenant * User can view summary or detailed holdings and items for other member libraries, depending on user permissions *Out of scope* * Changes for search, filter, and results display are being handled by Spitfire in a separate Jira * Creating/editing local instances for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) * Creating/editing/deleting/moving holdings/items for one library tenant in another library tenant (user has to change affiliations to do that) {*}Use case(s){*}{*}{{*}} *Proposed solution/stories* * Add info to the Instance record view and edit screens that indicates whether the record is shared/local * Add ability to show/hide consortium holdings on a shared Instance * Ensure the user can identify which shared holdings/items they can view details for, which they can edit, and which they can only view summary data for * Ensure the user can identify which library the consortial holdings belong to * No changes needed to holdings/item detail views *Links to additional info* *add link to PPT or wiki page*



PO Rank


Front End Estimate

XXXL: 30-45 days

Front End Estimator

Front-End Confidence factor


Back End Estimate

Medium < 5 days

Back End Estimator

Back-End Confidence factor



Poppy (R2 2023)

Rank: Cornell (Full Sum 2021)


TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created April 17, 2023 at 6:05 PM
Updated February 27, 2024 at 6:05 PM
Resolved November 27, 2023 at 5:09 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs