

  • Extent to which this group should discuss display of item state across apps
    • Alternative: Wrap up conversations about Inventory and Check In here, and let relevant SIGs discuss display in Receiving, Requests, etc.
  • Status history: discuss pros and cons of 3 possible interfaces
    • last week's: separate search & filter app, specifically for item status (is item status unique among metadata to merit that level of investigation?)
      • related: on item record (or elsewhere) without search & filter (are there interactions one would need to search for?)
    • change tracker (does change tracker, as originally mocked up in 2018, fit requirements for item status?)
  • Customizing built-in item statuses
    • Highest priority aspects
    • Potential problem areas


Discuss display of item state across apps in this group

  • scope of future work
  • is it best to let relevant SIGs discuss display in their area of focus, do we want to provide recommendations to the SIGs or do we want to push out directly
  • providing recommendations may fasten up discussions in other SIGs
  • group agrees on presenting recommendations to SIGs; there discussions can be picked up based on recommendations
  • surely, those recommendations can be agreed to or pushed back

Status history

  • change tracker: lives as UI idea on discuss page; but does not seem to have been heavily discussed 
  • Question: is ietm state completely different
  • change tracker mock-up:

  • question: is item state history completely different?
  • you can search for item barcode, Availability, Needed for, Process
  • the reason needs to be manually entered
  • for the item state history display it would be good to be able to arrange the display both by app and by record type
  • a separate column for the proper name is asked for
  • that would improve the UI and the export functionality
  • the ability to filter is seen as very helpful
  • seeing the location would be helpful, because the location is one thing where changes will happen a lot
  • push for change tracker or item state history to be easily opened from the record itself, e.g. just a link out
  • storing the information on "from" needs to be configurable; for European libraies the information on who changed a record is by law not allowed to be tracked; whereas US libraries need the information
  • a column should be added that displays the field that has changed
  • multiple changes should be displayed in separate rows
  • the type of record that was changed should be filterable
  • there is a permissions concern; not everyone with access to a record/app should see everything, such as the information on who changed what
  • needed: excel export of item state history

Customizing built-in item statuses

  • question: what are the high priorities to change built-in statuses
    • request
  • being able to change from inventory is not a priority
  • long-term: should all be configurable; but none seems urgent

Zoom recording

Meeting recording

Action items

  • Emma will send out the list of built-in statuses
  • the group will  have a look over it and give feedback on priorities to change built-in statuses
  • Emma asks for feedback on what further issues should be discussed in this group