


  • Updates
  • Patterns for item status display
  • Wrapping up loose ends
    • Customizing built-in item statuses
    • Bulk edit restrictions
    • Process queue or other name for Needed for?
  • Future item status work
    • Meetings at end of August, September
    • Emma will write stories for features linked to UXPROD-1321
    • Additional questions asked over email


  • Updates: metadata management made a few suggestions re circulation log
    • service point would be useful
    • distinguishing bulk actions from staff actions (right now only via data import)
    • does there need to be a distinction between an internal bulk action as opposed to an API? It seems helpful. How does FOLIO know if the API call is coming from another FOLIO app vs an edge API or other apps? Maybe user named for the outside app? larger issue across FOLIO?
  • bulk edit restriction would be similar to edit from item record
    • is on order one of the restricted statuses?
    • should these be difficult but not impossible? restricted by UI but not API/backend. That does still seem possible
    • the list of statuses are different for data import (which is different from bulk edit)
    • Emma offers to make a chart of where all changes happen
  • customizing built-in item statuses
    • other than requestability and naming?
    • ability to delete custom item statuses, via API call?
    • ability to archive (active/inactive) item states to get them out of UI
  • custom behavior at check-in based on rule? possibly tie in to development of recently returned or rely on discovery layer to somehow (e.g., ETAS at Chicago)
  • could also achieve through batch job
  • display notes with Availability, Process, Needed for, but OK to truncate.
  • showing a count of Needed for not helpful
  • suggestions for how need for should display in other areas? middle option is consensus, list of needed fors?
  • future work
  • meetings on calendar for end of Aug/Sep to respond to any questions that come up
  • Emma will work on stories, we may want to review rankings to see if they have changed
  • questions over email
  • better name for Needed For? group is generally ok with this nomenclature

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