- Changing item status from item record UI
- Locked down "from" statuses: On order, and anything that is currently loaned
- Locked down "to" statuses
- Permissions around changing item status from item record UI
Note taker: Christie Thomas
Need to take into consideration data migration and integration with external applications, ARES for example, when discussing backend edits.
Are there any restrictions on what you can change a status to in Inventory or other FOLIO apps?
- Assume loaned status cannot be changed except through a circ application.
- Declared lost is manually accelerated - there is a circulation workflow for this.
- Are there scenarios where a user would want to manually change request based statuses via the Inventory app?
- Ares integration - possibly need to manually update to Paged - but this is a background integration.
- Still worth thinking that Paged is a status that should be able to be assigned manually.
- Need to check that you can still put a hold or recall on an item with a Paged status. Will this cause any workflow issues?
- May need a report that lists all items in the paged status.
- May be a permissions issue - who can do that?
- Awaiting pickup and awaiting delivery should not be manually assignable.
- On order:
- Unreceiving something
- Manually flip something back to On Order
- What functionality is tied to this? What risk is involved?
- Do permissions need to manage this?
- Can this only happen in an acquisitions app?
- Should go back to RM sig for feedback.
- In transit:
- Would like to be able to put something in transit, but only if there is a service point.
- Functionality for service point has not been implemented yet. Requires implementation of second and third item state pieces.
- Should be locked down.
- Only way to put something in transit right now is to check it in.
- Recently returned:
- Functionality to flip from recently returned to available after a specific amount of time is not yet implemented.
- Should be locked down. Can only put it in recently returned by checking it in.
- Risk that something would get stuck in this status.
- Would need a use case for it to be in the menu in Inventory.
- Available
- No need to be locked down?
- Permissions
- Changing the item status to:
- Changing the item status from:
- Can conflate the two into a permission by item status. (Regardless of whether from or to)
- This would be a first step
- Transitions - how would these happen?
- Drop down menu or pop-up?
- If someone should not be able to change the items at all in Inventory, then just have no permissions under from or to.
- This level of permissions would solve a problem in the current system.
- Global permissions that can control the workflow. (Tenant configuration.)
- Then individual permissions for who can perform permitted changes.
- Analysis of item states
- Definition of workflows for each item state including where it is changed and what happens when the item status is changed. Also, what actions do we assume have happened if an item state is assigned.
- Emma has a chart started for each of these item.