

  • Bulk edit, data import update
  • Availability, Needed for, Process
    • Review of fields
    • How items leave processes
    • How items enter processes


Data import is being developed before bulk edit. Ann-Marie is PO. Trying to schedule a time to meet with her (she is not free our usual meeting time).

Bulk edit is a separate feature, not yet in development. Charlotte is likely PO. Being discussed in MM SIG. Will loop back to this group.

Availability, Needed for, Process elements

example: item checked out, needed for digitization- when checked int, item status changes to "in process"

how should items enter/leave these processes?

example: item order (on order); received (in process); once it's cataloged, does the cataloger change the status? if so, how?

-bulk editing?

-checking in?

Consensus: staff responsible for a process are responsible for ending that process

-need to be able to end the process without the availability changing; but some processes (e.g. checkin) should update the availability

-behavior should not dictate workflows

-we don't want to make our work any more complicated/onerous than absolutely necessary

-needed for is beneficial when it is an exception to the usual workflow & to prevent need for "dummy" user records

At UChicago, catalogers do not currently change the status. Some libraries (e.g., GBV) have 10-day "time out" set, so a status is, e.g., changed to available after 10 days. Other libraries do not want this sort of automatic change, want status to be changed at point it goes to be shelved.

-Can catalogers end the process itself without having to change the status? e.g., end cataloging process, move to physical processing- availability stays "in process" but process itself/needed for

-if this has to happen manually, will be very cumbersome; e.g., something is on order, needed for cataloging, then needed for marking, then has a hold on it - ideally, the status update would be generated by a workflow engine; needs to be flexible also; should hardcode as little as possible

-need a way to place "needed for" on item: manual for now (future: bulk/workflow engine?)

-to place in process/out of process: should be manual also

Examples of desired behavior:

Checkin: if item is "needed for" a process, it should change to that process; should remain in that process, e.g., cataloging, should remain "needed for cataloging" until cataloging is complete


Link to recording
