2024-06-14 Meeting Notes


Jun 14, 2024


  • @Ian Walls

  • @Jeremy Huff

  • Jeremy Nelson

  • @Owen Stephens

  • @Kevin Day

  • @Robert Roose

  • @Dale Arntson

  • @Robert Heaton

 Discussion topics










WolfCon Workflows/ERM Session

Owen et al

  • 80 min slot initially, but might be two 50 min slots on separate days

  • Either way, best to conceptualize as a two-part session

    • Info gathering first

    • Fitting info gathered in Workflows and ERM frameworks

  • Would be great if Workflow UI was at a place were we could do modeling in session B

  • many of us in the meeting today will be physically at WolfCon


Workflow UI demo

Jeremy H, Kevin

  • code freeze at EOD today; next sprint is ‘off’

  • UI Component for FWZ import

    • Drag-drop area after action selected

    • Duplicate files blocked

    • Invalid files blocked

    • File typing based on MIME type rather than extension

  • Why is ‘create’ separate from the Actions?

    • As the UI completes more fully, Create will fill in the middle pane with a manual creation interface with the Import option available

    • Possible alternative: have Actions on the Browse mode screen. Could share options on both Browse/Create screens

  • Export button/action on queue for next ‘on’ sprint

  • Multiple scripting languages are supported; one developer has been building Python/Ruby tasks to verify.

    • Fighting with Python a bit

  • Timescale to getting this deployed to references environments?

    • in Aggies env by next week, hopefully

 Action items

@Owen Stephens will confirm time slots available
