2024-05-31 Meeting


May 31, 2024


  • @Ian Walls

  • @Maccabee Levine

  • @Jeremy Huff

  • Jeremy Nelson

  • @Robert Heaton

  • @Robert Roose

  • @Kevin Day

  • @Lloyd Chittenden



 Discussion topics






























Updates on development

Jeremy H.

  • last sprint was a bit fraught, but progress!

  • making a file format for packaging workflows for import/export (compressed folder + metadata file inside). Calling it an ‘FWZ’

  • Path of least resistance with what’s already built; FWZs can be a ‘blackbox’, without the need for users to crack it open to work within it



Kevin Day

  • ​​​​Stripes-UI not full there, so showing some Camunda-native interface

  • content is up on mod-workflow github

  • supports 3 standard compression formats

  • demonstrated import function!


What’s next?

Jeremy H.

  • UI component in Stripes

  • Deploying to a scratch environment, which will:

    • make it easier for non-TAMU devs to engage

    • Workflow SIG members can tinker before the meetings




Rob R: Would I create these workflows in Camunda?
Jeremy H: designed for portability between FOLIO systems, and being able to save workflows into a redundant storage

Lloyd C: How about upgrades?
Jeremy H: most useful to think about workflows as integrations/FOLIO clients, so the same things you’d do for testing integration points in an upgrade would need to be done here. Exports could be loaded into separate FOLIO test instances easily

Jeremy N: can you query mod-workflow for querying steps of workflow, like getting current status?
Jeremy H: nothing yet for workflow task granularity, but its available in Camunda and Airflow. Supporting “spinning chair” tasks that await user input is a necessity, but not currently in place. Has to be done generally enough that any workflow engine we may support this.

Stanford has been given the green light to start looking at a mod-airflow!

 Action items
