Nov 2023 meeting

Nov 2023 meeting

Jeremy H presenting wireframes of UI for Workflows module

Browse view comments:

  • some comments about a three-panel layout in order to be more consistent with other parts of FOLIO
  • recommendation of adding a section to connect a central repository of workflows right in FOLIO
  • how can workflows be categorized?
  • splitting logs from firing off actions
  • Separate UIs between workflow management (running, logging) and workflow creation

Create view comments:

  • vertical layout in order to provide a more keyboard accessible interface
  • is this editor recreating BPMN?  The front-end is JSON, a superset of functionality, and is converted to BPMN at the mod-camunda layer
  • need for custom tasks for re-usability... similar to shared library?
  • how would loops work?
  • this interface may benefit from breaking from existing UI approaches, as it's a different enough thing.  Check out Data Import profiles
  • Tasks may change over time, so need to have versioning/backwards compatibility
  • Two levels of tasks:  system level, and preconfigured "custom" tasks
  • Import/export of workflows is imminently deliverable; how it's currently built

How interactable would workflows be with widgets?  "Anything's possible".  Prime example - user interaction required to move workflow onto next step.  current implementation does not handle CQL.

Jeremy H going to iterate on the interface wireframes taking the above feedback. 

Jeremy N will demo Airflow in our Dec meeting