Dec 2023 Meeting

Dec 2023 Meeting



Regular Meeting time for 2024

Agreed to every 2 weeks, with a re-evaluation of how that works in April.  Demos of code will be every 3 weeks with TAMU, so those meetings will be open and separate from regular SIG scheduling.  Ian Walls will put out the exact timing polling for folks asynchronously in Slack, trying to be cognizant of timing for non-North American community members.

Airflow demonstration

Makes use of Directed Acyclic Graphs to build workflows, using Python.  Running in Kubernetes at Stanford. 

Some key features:

  • Lots of community-generated 'operators' to connect into different kinds of services
  • Lists history of executions of DAGs, with filtering by status (succeeded/failed)
  • Includes the ability to automatically retry if workflow steps fail
  • Can be run in parallel (with sufficient underlying resources); Stanford used this to migrate millions of bibs in less than 24 hours
  • DAGs can be triggered within DAGs, allowing for workflow composition

There is a Dynamic DAG generator plugin for Airflow which would be necessary for a mod-airflow (as a drop-in replacement to mod-camunda).  Replicating all the affordances within the FOLIO UI would be daunting (same with Camunda).  Perhaps having a simplified FOLIO UI for doing some basic customized workflow design, but a 'pre-built' mode for workflows that are more complex and require administration through the Workflow Engine's native UI.

See recording for the demo itself.

User Stories

In Slack, take a look!

TAMU sprints starting up

Introducting Kevin Day and Rajdeep Hundal  from TAMU team.  Talk to Jeremy Huff to get connected with the new sprint cycle.