Workflow app & To-do app task group

Workflow app & To-do app task group

The Workflow app & To-do app task group was active in Spring 2017. Work of this group created the basis for prototype development and exploration of workflow options for FOLIO. As of Spring 2019, this group is inactive





Director of Electronic Resources, TAMU


Electronic Resources Management Librarian


Electronic Resources Management Librarian, ILS Analyst


Head, Continuing Resource Acquisitionsvirginia.martin@duke.edu

Librarian. Analyst from Index Data


UX & Interaction Designer



Filip presented his Workflow prototype for the RM SIG on 8/4 and 8/11. As follow up on Filip's workflow demo conversation and comments on Discuss Post: https://discuss.folio.org/t/zap-workflows-ux-iteration-3-english/1041 a small group of experts volunteered to continue to work more in depth with Filip, and supporting him in his refining of the UX Workflow prototype, and also participated in how to implement the To-do app in the concept.  


  • give feed back to Filip on his UX prototype on the Workflow app, and the To-do app
  • select and analyze usecases, where a workflow set up can optimize the tasks
  • map the selected usecases using the same logic introduced in the prototype, and using the terminology, e.g. Triggers, Manually Steps, Automatic Steps, Loops 


The task group have had weekly meetings, and the members have been analyzing and documenting specific usecases, and presented for the task group, at a following task group meeting.  

The task group are documenting their on going work in the RM Boston Workshop doc.

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