- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- React ^18.2
- Stripes ^9.0.0
Build tools
- Node 18 (because Node 16 reaches end of life on 2023-09-11)
- Yarn 1
Unit test stack
- Jest ^26.6.3 (^29 is preferred)
- RTL ^12.1.2 (^14 is preferred)
End-to-end test stack
- Cypress ^9.1.1
- Java 17 (migration instructions: JDK 17 and Java 17)
- Groovy (version determined by the version of Grails, below)
- OpenAPI (OAS) version 3.* (see https://dev.folio.org/start/primer-oas/)
- Spring Boot 3.2.* (OSS support until 2024-11-23)
- Spring Framework 6.1.* (OSS support until 2025-08-31)
- folio-spring-base 8.0
- Grails 6
- vertx 4.5.*
- folio-vertx-lib 3.2.*
- raml-module-builder 35.* [deprecated: only existing FOLIO modules may continue to use raml-module-builder]
- edge-common 4.*
- edge-common-spring 2.*
- Lombok
Build tools
- Maven 3.8 or later
- JDK 17 (migration instructions: JDK 17 and Java 17)
- Docker
- Gradle
Unit test stack / Build-time integration test stack
- JUnit 4 or 5
- rest-assured
- testcontainers
Integration test stack
- karate
- cucumber-reporting
- Postgresql 12 / 16
- PostgreSQL 12 will reach EOL on November 14, 2024 and FOLIO needs to transition to a current version, PostgreSQL 16. Quesnelia will be a transition release which must run under both PostgreSQL 12 and PostgreSQL 16, this will allow deployed environments to transition.
- See DR-000038 - PostgreSQL Upgrade to 16
- OpenSearch 2 / Elasticsearch 8 – (OpenSearch maintenance policy) (Elasticsearch support policy, EOL dates, release history)
- Kafka
- S3/MInIO
Support period
Technology versions must support the full Quesnelia support period that ends around December 2024: Quesnelia will be released in April 2024 and will be supported until Sunflower (R3 2024) gets released around December 2024 (based upon assumption that future releases will follow a similar cadence to previous releases), see FOLIO support policy.