Technical Council Goals & Objectives - NOT IN USE

Technical Council Goals & Objectives - NOT IN USE


Support a thriving open source community in building a LSP (Library Service Platform) that is effective, cost effective, & reliable


  • Community Growth
  • Enhance LSP Capabilities 
  • Improved process efficiency and transparency
  • Efficient operations and maintenance
  • Technical Debt Management


Strategic Goals

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Action Items

  • Re-visit the framework for managing technical debt (team/module specific as well as platform specific). Technical Debt
  • Prioritization of Roadmap items 
  • Adding details to short term goals 
  • Rename Tech Debt JIRA to something else. Can use issue type to track tech debt that TC needs to manage.

 Temporary Workspace - To be Deleted

Next 12 Months – DRAFT

  • Enhance LSP Capabilities

    • Users and Permissions - System users, Tenant Users, Roles
  • Improved process efficiency and transparency

    • Publish Technology Roadmap (is this the same as architectural blueprint?)
    • Create/maintain up-to-date architectural blueprint
  • Efficient operations and maintenance

    • Optimize resources to run FOLIO in the cloud and locally
  • Technical Debt Management

    • Make architectural decisions about top priorities FOLIO
      • Articulate top frustrations (e.g. complexity of dependencies, conflation of discovery and messaging)
        • Outcome will alter items on this document
      • Decisions for how to address these frustrations.


  • Community Growth

    • Create a painless onboarding process for new development partners with excellent documentation 
    • Identify opportunities like “FOLIO School” and creation of other training programs that help adoption 
    • Conduct Hackathons, webinars and other outreach efforts to spread the word about FOLIO
    • Actively recruit libraries worldwide that have a proven track record with open source development projects and have the experience and resources that would benefit FOLIO
    • Promote and illustrate the benefits of FOLIO's community-owned reporting capability in partnership with the Library Data Platform (LDP) project to increase adoption of the FOLIO platform.
    • Form and support User Groups, carefully ensuring fit with existing groups and SIGs
  • Enhance LSP Capabilities

    • Support for non-MARC record-based data models (for instance: Dublin Core, VRAcore, PBCore, FGDC)
    • Cross-tenant architecture
    • Create an app store and incentivize the addition of apps to the store by individuals, institutions, and commercial partners
    • Search Engine
    • GDPR support
    • Reporting and Analytics
    • Codex
    • Automation Engine
    • Consortia Support
    • Users and Permissions - System users, Tenant Users, Roles
    • Inter FOLIO integration
  • Improved process efficiency and transparency

    • Develop and distribute an Implementers’ Satisfaction Survey
    • Measure implementers satisfaction
    • Develop an Implementers SWOT Analysis
    • Revise the current ranking, prioritization and staffing process to ensure it has the transparency the community desires
    • Publish Technology Roadmap
    • Implement process for security audits
  • Efficient operations and maintenance

    • Tenant Management - Administrative vs. Runtime
    • Optimize resources to run FOLIO in the cloud and locally
  • Technical Debt Management

    • Refactor Okapi
    • Document minimum system requirements for running a cluster to support small/medium/large libraries
    • Remediate issues identified through security audits
    • Adopt event driven architecture (leverage mod-pubsub if possible)
    • GraphQL - Eliminates stripes connect
    • Support for database connectivity at the tenant, interfaces, methods