2022-04-25 TC Goals & Objective Meeting notes




  • We have a gut-level idea on what the problems are and would like to confirm those assumption
    • Perception
      • Conflation of gateway and discovery, having Okapi serving both roles
      • Reliance on HTTP as primary communication
      • Having a message queue be more central to communication model, embrace more thoroughly
      • Dependency graph is complex
    • Input from SysOps
    • Consult TC about technical needs/pain points for dev perspective: 
      • Survey on technical points?
      • Interviews?
  • Next steps  TC, articulate areas of the project that need to change, find out TC tolerance to pose those questions more broadly.
  • Future Idea: annual device like a survey about directions people would like to see the project going, aspirational. Would let us fill our role as technical advisor. Lean on the Roadmap Group's work.

Discussion items


Action items
