2017-12-21 - System Operations and Management SIG Notes

2017-12-21 - System Operations and Management SIG Notes




Discussion items

5WelcomeIngolfWelcome, Note taker
10List of incomplete tasks from last meetingsTod
20Conceptual Architectural DiagramWayne / IndexData & group
20Data migration Holly & group

 will we cover data migration in this SIG ?

Should the operations group also be charged with migrating data

Migration has two parts, getting  data out of legacy systems, and putting data in to Folio through standard interfaces


Holly says documentation is out of scope with this group, but that this group will be consuming the documentation of other groups.

Dale suggests that we need to handle the problem that documentation gets stale.

Tod suggests that we add dates to everything. Says that we should also add revision numbers as well.

8:20Charge of groupHollyDatabase administration is not listed as charge for this group. Should it be added. Members agree that this is appropriate and important.

ImplementationHollyHolly asked whether folio should create a separate implementation group, and what relation that should have to our SIG?

Deployment environments

what deployment environments do we need to cover most urgently ?

  • instructions to bring up a viable sandbox for testing in a server environment.
8:45IntegrationTodTod will post a list of integration points which Chicago will need, to which others can add their own points.
8:45MigrationIngolfMigration is a topic in the SysOps SIG. We put it on second place after deployment.
In general, migration is a PC charge, see here https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/PC/FOLIO+Product+Council+Charge, so if it is unclear which group covers migration I would address that in the PC.
Already on 2017-10-25, migration was discussed in a Forum Facilitators meeting in context with an "Implementation SIG", see here https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/FACILITATORS/2017-10-25+Meeting+notes.
Already on the last Developers' Meeting in Montreal in September, the following aspects of data migration were phrased (source: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RPT/2017-09-25+-+Reporting+SIG+Notes):
•Define data migration requirements
•Create toolkits for library profiling, data migration
•Load real library user data
•Define external integration requirements

Here is the link to access the Google drive for this SIG:


8:47DeploymentChrisChris thinks that we should start by putting up systems in local vm environments, and then he can translate that into an AWS environment

10Plans for next meeting, meeting times, rolesIngolf & groupis 10:30 EST as meeting time possible ?

Action items

  • Tod Olson to begin a page of integration points to consider when planning FOLIO migration/depolyment
  • Wayne Schneider to create a conceptual diagram of system architecture
  • Wayne Schneider to prepare a demo of a FOLIO installation on a single server