Reading Room Functionality - notes and more - DRAFT

Reading Room Functionality - notes and more - DRAFT


Closed stacks: Shelving areas that are not accessible by Patrons, and/or may be restricted to certain library staff.

Open Stacks: Shelving areas that are accessible by Patrons.

Patron: A user of the library and/or utilizes its services. A patron may include members of a university community and may work for the library. Patrons may also include non-university users, such as members of the community.

Pick-up location (service point): a physical location where library items are placed for patrons to retrieve them. These may be staffed or unstaffed locations depending on the workflows.

Reading room: A location within the library where library materials are used by patrons. These may include secured or unsecured locations.

Reading room status: (insert definition)

Stack requests: A request by a patron or other user to have an item pulled from the stacks and delivered to a service point.

Reading Room Circulation:

Request App:

Check-in / Check-out:

Soft check-in:

Soft Check-out:

Hold Shelf (special): The physical area at the service point where items are held for patrons' use, accessible by library staff only.

In-House: Items that are only allowed to be used within the confines of the library space.

Request Pick slips (Page slip):

Hold slip:

refer to the descriptions - to be defined further.



 Jira feature - UXPROD-1835

Reading Room Circulation functionality/workflow

  1. Usually, the Reading Room item will not be available on the open library shelves, but will be in a stack, so the Member orders the item by placing a stack request.

  2. The item will be retrieved from the stack in the usual manner, and the status changed on the Requests screen. An indicator is displayed to alert staff that the item is for “Only for use in Reading Room”.

  3. Stack Requests can be moved in bulk from the Requests screen to the Reading Room Management. It can also be done on an individual basis. Once a Stack Request has been moved to the Reading Room, the Status of the item is then “Reserved”.

  4. When the patron arrives at the nominated pickup location (service point) to collect the material, a link is made to the Check-out screen where the item is issued as a Short Loan. The Reading Room Status of the item is then “On Loan” and the Due Time is also displayed on the Reading Room Management screen.

  5. When the patron returns the item, a prompt is provided to ask if they would like to keep the item “reserved” for use in the Reading Room the next day.
    If the patron DOES want the Reading Room item reserved for the following day, it remains on the Reading Room Management screen with a Status of “Reserved”, and the following day the loan/return process begins over again.

  6. If the patron has finished with the Reading Room item, it is removed from the Reading Room Management screen and is returned to it’s original location.


 Use case (NLS)




 Work flow



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