RA - Loans 4/4/2018





  • Emma is talking to the Reporting SIG and will keep Loans subgroup informed
  • Check-in notes, backdating check-in, and in-house use (AKA browse) are things Loans subgroup is officially tasked with

Closed Loans

  • Automatically anonymizing loans needs to accommodate never, immediately, and after X period of time (intermediate) 
  • No need to break it down by library at institution for V1
  • If there is still fine/fee data attached to loan, do not anonymize it
    • Leads to other questions about when those records are anonymized
  • Add staff-mediated anonymization back in to Closed Loans wireframe

Claims returned

  • When marking claims returned, show title on modal for one item & count of items for many
  • For unresolved claims returned, can be only visible under dropdown. Separate from total count of items.
  • For resolved claims returned, more information is good. At least date, resolution. 
    • will this be redundant with fees/fines?
  • FOLIO doesn't need to track all the information about claims returned, may not need to track found in library v. found by patron. Add notes? Have more options?

Action items and next meeting

  • Next meeting: April 11 at 1pm Eastern (April 6 meeting canceled)
  • Emma will talk to Holly about how long closed fees/fines linger in the system and if item information persists
  • Emma will review UChicago/OLE to see how they track found items


Recording for April 4, 2018

(FYI: first few minutes are trying to debug audio issues)