RA - Reserves (inactive)

The Course Reserves App (v1) was released in Q1, Fameflower FOLIO release!  

Members (as of July, 2019)


Every other Tuesday at 10:00 ET @https://zoo m.us/j/580817848

On boarding

  • Join the slack channel ( #ra-reserves )  https://folio-project.slack.com/messages/C9AFFJMM0.   This is one of  FOLIO's Slack channels. located at folio-project.slack.com. Request to join the FOLIO Slack channels here. Use Slack as your primary means of communicating with other FOLIO Reserves members via the #ra-reserves Slack channel.  (Check out the other Slack channels to see if there are others of interest to you.)
  • If you will want to  see the JIRA issues and edit the Confluence wiki - please sign up for a FOLIO JIRA account.  FOLIO uses JIRA issues.folio.org for tracking FOLIO tasks and bugs. The account you set up in JIRA is the same account you will use to edit Confluence (the FOLIO wiki), where we maintain meeting minutes and documents.  RA-Reserves  
  • OLF Shared Drive. Email your Google account name to Anne Highsmith and she will arrange for you to have access to the Open Library Foundation Google Drive named OLF_Shared.