Circulation Documentation - Needs

Circulation Documentation - Needs

Don't worry about 

  • whether documentation already exists
  • whether a function is built out in FOLIO
  • duplicating a documentation need if it overlaps in different categories

We can figure that out as we go from the list. Just put down what comes to mind where you think it might fit!

App-Specific Documentation

 Users - UM SIG will Write


  1. Create a User
  2. Delete a User
  3. Change a user's barcode
  4. Renew an item on loan to a user
  5. Add / Delete Blocks
  6. How to change passwords for staff
  7. How Patron expiration dates work
  8. How to add service points to users
  9. How to add permissions to users
  10. How Inactive / Active Statuses work, what they do
  11. How do Custom Fields work - for statistical purposes
    1. examples from adopting institutions - what they've added and how they're used
  12. Waiving a fee/fine (full/partial) - RA will write
  13. Refunding a fee/fine (full/partial)- RA will write
  14. Accepting payment for a fee/fine (full/partial) - RA will write
  15. Setting up a proxy relationship between two users
  16. How to anonymize loans in users - the manual commands
  17. In-App reports - what's available, when you might run them, what's required

Users - RA SIG will write

Workflow NameExisting Documentation or link to FOLIO DOCSNeeds a writerAppsCould this be a flowchart?
Viewing a patron's fee/fine history

Waiving a fee/fine - full waive, partial waive

Refunding a fee/fine - full waive, partial waive

Accepting payment for a fee/fine - full/partial

 Inventory (sent to Jesse Lambertson)

Inventory (sent list to Jesse Lambertson 3-16-2021)

  1. How item statuses work
    1. Outline of the three part model so people know what's coming
      1. Item State in FOLIO
  2. How to change an item to ____ status
    1. Protections on item statuses
    2. Missing item statuses - adding notes
  3. How to record item damage
  4. How to search in inventory
    1. How to do CQL queries in Inventory - esp. examples of searches.
  5. How to find item histories
    1. When you might go to Inventory vs Circ Log vs. LDP
  6. How to edit / update item notes
  7. How to edit / update check in and check out notes
  8. How you can find an item in Inventory and then request it for a patron
  9. Change an item barcode
  10. In-App reports - what's available, when you might run them, what's required
  11. Handling long missing items 


WorkflowExisting documentation or DOCS Jira linkApps InvolvedCould this be a flowchart?

Intro to Courses

  • How people use the app for different needs
  • Examples of use of the app from adopters

How to create a course


Create a course with cross-listings


Find a list of items on reserve for a course

How do temporary locations work on courses itemsCourses, Inventory
How do temporary loan types work on courses items

Integrations with outside systems - LTI

LTI: Course Reserves - LTI connectivity

Integrations with outside systems - ARES

Reserve items - using processing statuses

  • how to set up values
  • tips for using, examples from adopters


Copyright information in Courses

  • how to set up copyright status dropdown
  • what fields do or don't do

In-app reports: what's available, when you might run them, what's required to do soThere are no in-app reports for Courses and none are planned. 


WorkflowExisting documentation or Docs JiraAppsCould this be represented in a flowchart?
How to request an item (place/process holds, pages, recalls)



How requests work for on-campus versus remote storage

DOCS-154 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Requests, Inventory?
How to run a page report



How to change a request pickup location (including restrictions based on request status)

DOCS-20 - Getting issue details... STATUS


How to run a daily unfilled requests report

How to cancel a request



How to reorder a request queue


In-App reports - what's available, when you might run them, what's required




WorkflowExisting documentation or DOCS jiraAppsCould this be a flowchart?

How anonymizing loans works if you do it in check in

DOCS-23 - Getting issue details... STATUS

How checking in works for items with multiple pieces


How to backdate a check-in


In-App reports - what's available, when you might run them, what's required

There are no in-app reports for the Check-in app and none are planned.


WorkflowExisting Documentation or DOCS jiraAppsCould this be a flowchart?
How to loan to someone who is borrowing as a proxy for another patronhttps://docs.folio.org/docs/access/check-out/checkout/#checking-out-to-a-proxy-borrowerCheckout, Users
How checkout works for items with multiple pieces

How to change a loan due date


How to override patron blocks

How to override item blocks

In-App reports - what's available, when you might run them, what's required

Circulation Log

WorkflowExisting Documentation or DOCS JiraAppsCould this be a flowchart?

Why you would use the circulation log vs. other FOLIO features

  1. troubleshooting scenarios where the circ log would be used
  2. what data is in the circ log and what data isn't


Could maybe add these two extra things to the top under overview

How to look up item histories (and what you might find here that isn't in Inventory)

How to interpret circ log records that have proxy relationships

How anonymized data looks in the circ log

How to look for notice information

How to look at fee/fine information 

Cross-App Workflows

Workflow nameExisting Documentation or DOCS Jira?AppsCould this be a flowchart?
Handling items that have been in transit for too long
Inventory, Requests
Patron claims that they returned an item but it's still on their account (claim returned)
Users, Inventory

On-the-fly / Fast Add record creation, loaning items, considerations for use (Inventory vs. Courses vs. Check Out)

Inventory, Courses, Check Out

Handling fines - declared lost, aged to lost

Users, Export Manager, Inventory

Handling lost and paid items

Users, Inventory
Managing Patron Blocks - how to set them up on users, how to override
Users, Check Out
Remote Storage
Settings, Inventory, Check In, Check Out

Settings and Circulation Rules

Workflow name/descriptionExisting documentation or DOCS JiraNeeds a writer?AppsCould this be represented graphically / through flowchart?
Tags - how they work, plans for future development, suggestions for scenarios where they would be helpful

Settings, any app that has installed tags (many)
How to create permission sets

Done - on docs.folio.org site


Calendars - how to set up dates / times, how exceptions work

Google Doc - Settings > Calendar

Configuring Settings for Remote Storage


Things to consider when deciding how to write circulation rules

  1. How the fallback policy works
  2. How prioritization works
  3. Special characters and indentations
  4. Sample circulation rule sets from adopters

What happens w/circulation rules and policies if you change item information after an item is loaned (e.g., change a loan type for an item that is checked out)


What happens if/when you delete a circulation rule?


What happens if/when you delete a policy - loan, request, notice, lost items, overdue policies? 


What areas in Settings should RA SMEs care about? E.g., material types and loan types in inventory, patron groups in Users, fee/fines in Usershttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1g1-RcVYu2WFmxCn0AMPxFQdXRJE4H6rEM3y7W1iai-Q/edit?usp=sharingYesSettings
Is there a recommended sequence in configuring circulation in FOLIO? E.g., what goes first? Examples from institutions on how they did their configurationshttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1HhKi-r01KYwCNLrPgmCGwVTEbwu7a0J8oqBbACcmOVQ/edit?usp=sharingYesSettings
Configuring settings for Fees and Fines - owners, manual charges, waive reasons, refund reasons, comment required, transfer accounts

Settings - Users - Fee/Fine Comment Required

Settings - Users - Fee/fine Manual Charges

Settings - Users - Fee/fine owners

Settings - Users - Fee/fine Waive Reasons

Settings - Users - Payment Methods

Settings - Users - Refund reasons

Settings - Users - Transfer Accounts

Google doc for writing / consolidation - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wHNAOdVkhuNxFNJkjO0o_I2xouTCi80-briWBRNnFqM/edit?usp=sharing


Behind The Scenes Stuff To Know / Tips for Implementation

Workflow name/descriptionExisting documentation or DOCS jiraNeeds a writer?AppsCould this be represented graphically / through a flowchart?

Information about Inventory Structure - e.g., a diagram of instance / holdings / item relationships, Marc SRS vs. Inventory-born records - to help with learning more about the app

How User Permissions WorkIntroduction to FOLIO Permissions

FOLIO's fee/fine model - actual cost vs. set cost - how does each approach work? What are the differences between them, and consideration for implementers?

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kTOXXl23Tn6KiBIlAL0jJ9o2NPoVkUkbGrVMYH6YEgU/edit?usp=sharingYUsers, Settings
How do overdue fines accrue?https://docs.folio.org/docs/access/additional-topics/feesfines/feesfines/#how-are-overdue-and-overdue-recall-feefines-calculatedY

How do lost item charges accrue?https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kTOXXl23Tn6KiBIlAL0jJ9o2NPoVkUkbGrVMYH6YEgU/edit?usp=sharingY

How does anonymization work?

  • what is anonymized when done manually
  • what is anonymized when done through settings
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CFKM5nTkoaB1wh2Yzt4m1vhrVMKdKSpF0FO5IqJJYd4/edit?usp=sharingYCheck in, users, Settings

What are Service Points and how do they work?

  1. difference between primary and secondary service point

Settings - Tenant - Service points


Location System in general

  1. How to understand temporary and permanent locations
  2. how it can be used in circulation rules

How to understand temporary and permanent loan types

Custom fields - what apps have them, how they work, examples from adopters

What fields in apps have limits and what those limits are

What fields in RA apps can be searched on through the FOLIO UI, and what fields can't

What happens when a patron's affiliation changes - eg., existing loans under the old group, new loans under the new group?


How do scheduled notices work when they run on day intervals

How do scheduled notices work when they run on hour or minute intervals

What triggers different kinds of notices – all of the different kinds of patron notices available

How do staff slips work? how do you format them? 

Tips for troubleshooting patron notice delivery

Tips for troubleshooting staff slips

How FOLIO can work with patron requests / accounts in different discovery layers (EDS, VuFind, Blacklight, etc.)

How FOLIO can work with self-check stations - which ones have already been implemented at libraries, tips for integration and implementation

  1. https://github.com/folio-org/edge-sip2 has more administrator level documentation - well written, kudos to Michelle Suranofsky

Workarounds for not-yet-completed workflows

Tracking in the tips & tricks wiki at Alternatives for Features Still In Development


Guide to Reporting Documentation

WorkflowsExisting documentation or FOLIO DOCS JirasAppsCould this be a flowchart?

What exactly is the LDP and why would you want to use one?

What canned SQL queries are available for the LDP and when you might use them?

What data is available in the LDP?

How to create custom tables in your local LDP?

How do you connect to your LDP?

How quickly does data move from your FOLIO environment to the LDP

Suggestions for how to modify the canned SQL queries

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