FOLIO Product Council

The FOLIO Product Council will act on behalf of the FOLIO community to express and champion priorities in the development of the FOLIO Library Service Platform, and ensure the relevance and cohesiveness of the FOLIO project. For more information, see the FOLIO Product Council Charter.

Any member of the community who has ideas, concerns, issues or questions about any aspect of the FOLIO project may raise them with the Product Council by slacking or emailing individual members, bringing up concerns on the Product Council Slack channel, or recommending items for future agenda topics at the end of each meeting. Additionally community members are encouraged to log App ideas on this page:

Product Council Roles

PC To Do list:

Product Council Action Items





  • Every decision, whether done through lazy consensus or vote, is recorded
  • Lazy consensus
    • Doesn’t mean unanimous consensus, but general agreement or silence
    • Done by individuals present in the conversation
    • Length of time for lazy consensus: give people a specific length of time to review, generally by the next PC meeting
    • Explicitly call out our decisions and record them
    • Should take into consideration the wishes of the whole FOLIO community
  • PC members only may request a formal vote, if they feel like lazy consensus is not occurring
  • Provide clarity when a formal vote needs to occur, e.g., A formal vote will now occur.
  • Provide a time-frame for voting
    • Should be provide a voting period with explicit time-period, generally no longer than by the next PC meeting
  • PC members can abstain (I was present for the vote, but chose not to vote; versus, I was not aware or present)
  • Over half of PC members must vote, majority of votes calls the decision
  • PC members may designate a proxy to vote in their place if needed

The Team

June 2023-2025

Jennifer Eustis U Mass Amherst/Five Colleges
Index Data
June 2024-2026

Texas A&M University

Martin Scholz

FAU University Library Nuremberg-Erlangen

Lisa McColl

Lehigh University


Caitlin Stewart

Library of Congress

Product Council Leadership

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