2022-06-02 Metadata Management Meeting notes


~ number of attendees


Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/metadata-management-sig/

Discussion items

Alissa Hafele
  • Any suggestions for topics for future meetings? Send more ideas in Slack
    • Ann-Marie: Bugfest related meetings to help with writing test cases or lab for reviewing test rails/working in bugfest as a group. 
    • Charlotte agrees and can make list of related tickets.
    • Laura: +3!
    • Next Thursday
    • Future: Magda to discuss ?, Dennis and Ann-Marie working on requirements for creating POs and POLs from incoming MARC in Nolana (2-3 weeks)
    • Christie: could we revisit the work done previously on search/improving search results. When will this work be addressed? See slides at bottom.
PC update

PC met this Thursday, June 2. Agenda and meeting notes here: 2022-06-02 Product Council Meeting notes. The main topic is a presentation from the Scope-Criteria group. 

  • Kristin Martin gave walk-through of Scope Criteria Working Group.
  • Discussion around presenting modules earlier in the process
  • Questions:
    • Will group consult SIGs for functional criteria spreadsheet presented? Charlotte: requirements shown were coming from Chinese group. Will look at the doc shared by Lucy Liu to see if there are any features for MM SIG to review.
    • Laura: Maybe we could ask someone from the scope-criteria working group to join a future MM meeting to answer some of our questions?

Release Notes/Changes

MM SIG Release Note & Other Highlights.

  • Not many for Morning Glory yet
  • Lotus hotfix 1 (June 6)
    • Many MM related issues that should be reviewed. See Lotus release notes and link to hotfix 1
  • Review of JIRA dashboard. Date and release associated will give idea of when it will be fixed. Filter at bottom are issues impacting folks in production (issues associated with the Support SIG).
    • Charlotte: Can add Support label to a JIRA ticket if impacting production work. SIG reviews weekly.

Inventory Search

  • Notes, incl. administrative notes
  • Instance segment, Call number 
Charlotte Whitt 

Review and feed-back from the MM-SIG on planned new work (Nolana R3 2022): 

  • Back-end is available in snapshot, access via Query Search or All for admin notes. See example on wiki search page.
  • https://github.com/folio-org/mod-search (search "notes" to jump down to relevant information in readme)

UIIN-942 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UIIN-943 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UIIN-944 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Adding admin notes to all. (UIIN-2053 to search specifically admin notes).
  • In ticket, green check means they have been implemented.
  • No objections.
  • Would like to group these search options by type. Instance notes would go after subject area of instance (e.g. Classification).
    • Groupings make sense.
    • Some feedback that the notes should go above subjects. Some think fine as is. About 50/50
    • Trying to keep aligned across all three types. This is most important.
    • Charlotte will review with this in mind.

UIIN-2053 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Underlying mod-search not done yet.
  • Idea: implement like stat codes - search within the giving segment. e.g. not across all three.
    • Laura: Yes. Likely to use admin notes in different ways in holdings vs. instance.

UIIN-945 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Question: do we want to distinct between search on public and staff only notes (or can this be part of Advanced search)?
  • Do you want to distinguish between check-in/check-out note?
    • Laura: Having all in one group for simple search sounds good.
    • Jennifer Eustis: Would circ staff need to have them separate?
    • Charlotte will also ask RA SIG.
    • Please also ask your circ folks and report to Charlotte.

UIIN-2061 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UIIN-2060 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Re. Instance segment, Call number - see question/comment from Former user (Deleted) on Re: Search - using Elasticsearch (Kiwi and later releases) (scroll down to the bottom of the page)

  • "eye readable" = as entered
  • "normalized" = ignoring spaces, special characters etc.
  • just "Call number" = item effective call number
    • Will also be moved above Query Search
  • Question: should this be more explicit and use the language of the item drop down? "Effective call number (item)"
    • Yes, more clarity.

  • Natascha: is OCLC normalized not going to be part of the Keyword identifier search?
  • Natascha: Feature requests from post implementation at Chicago. How to proceed?
    • For Searching - Charlotte keeps list of features desired. Check staff list against UXPROD-3641. Report back.
    • Laura: That would be a great future MM session -- UI enhancement requests from implemented libraries, comparing what we want...we have a lot of requests from our staff here at Cornell also.

    • Jennifer Eustis: I agree that it would be great. We also have a list of enhancements that we'd like to see
    • Will put on future agenda.
  • Christie: could we revisit the work done previously on search/improving search results. When will this work be addressed?
  • Which release for Advanced search? Not planned yet.
