2023-03-06 - Data Migration Subgroup Agenda and Notes



Darsi Rueda Carol Sterenberg Susanne Schuster Jeff Fleming

jpnelson Ian Walls 

Meeting Link

Link to Recordings

Discussion items





Status updates

Jeremy (Stanford): Have migrated 9+ million SRS/instance records.  One weirdness... custom mapping didn’t get used for a large subset of our records.  Looking for script that re-maps SRS→instance records in place (not reload SRS).  But very intensive, touches all 9 million records.  Open 

Jeffrey (Duke): orders and holdings, there’s a requirement that they match up (in Aleph there isn’t).  Jeff put in a set of dummy locations, can assign one of those locations so folks can look at those later and remediate.  Now running invoice creation during orders, looking if an order has a closed invoice and loading it if so.  Loading a subset of orders, and all closed invoices have to match to an order. 

Ian (Bywater): no active migrations right now

Migration from MG to Nolana broke calendarsIan

Broke calendars!  Some angst getting a procudure documented to get them migrated (need to be on certain calendar versions).  Stanford ended up NOT “migrating” calendars just had staff re-create them.

Documentation ideas

Maybe concentrate on the load portion of ETL: Advice on which endpoints to use, pros and cons

General “what should I migrate” documentation, in what order, what reference data needed, how to assign UUIDs for everything

Action items
