2023-01-23 - Data Migration Subgroup Agenda and Notes

2023-01-23 - Data Migration Subgroup Agenda and Notes



Darsi Rueda Ingolf Kuss Carol Sterenberg Susanne Schuster Jeff FlemingMisty Hopper (Texas State, Head of Metadata Services)

Meeting Link

Link to Recordings

Discussion items





Status updates
  • Jeffrey (Duke): working on boundwiths with e-readers.  These are devices that have hundreds of titles on them. Running into duplicates during his nightly updates.  Needs to post as an update instead of an add when get the duplicate error message.  There are multiple ways of doing bus in Aleph so he sometimes has to make fake holdings in FOLIO
    • they are still doing some full loads, e.g., to redo their location IDs.  But mostly just nightly loads.
  • Misty (Texas State) is evaluating FOLIO as possible new ILS. Looks probably.  ERM this year hopefully, possible Acquisitions. The rest in 2024.
  • Darsi (Stanford): Nolana installed, tweaking processes to match update in EBSCO migration tools.  Will tackle boundwiths this time.
  • Ingolf : Attempted working with EBSCO Migration Tools so can load marc data, running into Python roadblocks. Will talk to Jeremy to get sorted.


general “how are boundwiths done in FOLIO”: Bound-with data model. And https://s3.amazonaws.com/foliodocs/api/mod-inventory-storage/p/bound-with-part.html 

“parent” has item.  All other “children” have instance and holdings.  Then you post to the bw endpoint /inventory-storage/bound-with-parts to create the relationships between them.  Holdings of child record can be location and/or call number of parent OR a “see other” location and call number.  

Action items
