WOLFCon 2024 Acq SIG brainstorming

WOLFCon 2024 info on Open Library Foundation page here.


Proposals submission deadline - March 31, 2024

Sessions types -

Community Sharing geared towards updating the community or stakeholders regarding on-going work of a project, lessons learned, or best practices

Presentations or panel discussions geared towards a better understanding of the open source space within libraries or general project

Working meetings are business meetings that are oriented towards a special interest group (SIG), working group or other organization of volunteers working together on community projects.

Workshops are oriented towards solving a problem, gathering wide input, or interactive session on learning about a specific workflow or tool

  • Short - during conference

  • Half or Full-day - Pre-conference - on Monday, September 23

Session Length *

Standard (50 minutes)

Extended (80 minutes)

Short (15-20 minutes - will be grouped with other lightning or short sessions)

Lightning (5 minutes - will be grouped with other lightning or short sessions)

Multiple (a session that needs several timeslots to accomplish its agenda)

Workshop - half-day (Preconference - limited availability)

Workshop - full-day (Preconference - limited availability)


Topics you'd like to see presented in WOLFcon 2024 -


What are you most interested in and why

Interested Acq SIG members


What are you most interested in and why

Interested Acq SIG members

Serials management new development & functions







Topics you'd like to present in WOLFCon 2024 -







Integration of FOLIO with a campus financial system


Scott Perry(?--very tentative) (others?)