RA - Loans 3/2/2018


Updates (5)

Loans on item record (relating to the following) – Do we know/agree enough about each of the following statuses to make recommendations how items with that status display? If so, what fields should be shown at a glance, and what information needs to be linked out from them? (40)

  • Checkout
  • Available
  • Recently returned
  • In transit
  • Lost and charged (aged to lost)
  • Overdue

Item notes (10)

  • Review notes in alpha – can this be adapted for checkin/checkout notes?

Recap and action items for next time (5)



  • Keep group focus on loans
  • Split time between complex and simpler issues to move features into development
    • Closed loans prioritized for next meeting
  • No updates on inventory real estate, request statuses

Loans on item record

Preference is for static, occasionally blank fields over fields dependent on item status.

Discussed checkout, available, recently returned, in transit (add check in location, destination), and overdue (add renewals)

  • History of things in transit - feature that warrants further discussion
  • Operator may also be helpful
  • Okay to have previous borrower information in circ history for institutions that preserve that information
  • Which statuses can be changed manually? Can recently returned? (No consensus)

Still to discuss: lost and charged (aged to lost)

Next meeting and action items

Next meeting

March 7, 1pm Eastern

Topics to discuss: change due date, notes, closed loans, loans aging to lost (on item record)

Action items

  • Emma: update loan-on-item-record mocks, user story
  • Emma: update closed loans
  • Emma: mock change due date
  • Emma: reach out to Requests, Inventory for answers to questions from last meeting (and where ISBN appears in inventory)
  • David: reach out to David Bottorff about renewals on item record
  • Andrea, David: send screenshots for changing due date in Aleph, OLE


Recording of 3/2/2018 meeting