- Sunflower 2025-R1 releaseUIREC-439Resolved issue: UIREC-439Mikita Siadykh
- replace moment with day.jsUIREC-438
- Open receiving record when there is one result and close pane on new searchUIREC-437
- Thunderjet Front-end User Story TemplateUIREC-436
- When there is only one piece received check row by defaultUIREC-435
- Ramsons - Requests not transferring during binding processUIREC-434Resolved issue: UIREC-434Joseph Reimers
- migrate react-intl to v7UIREC-433Resolved issue: UIREC-433Yury Saukou
- migrate stripes dependencies to their Sunflower versionsUIREC-432Resolved issue: UIREC-432Yury Saukou
- migrate to shared GA workflowsUIREC-431Resolved issue: UIREC-431Yury Saukou
- Permissions for claimingUIREC-430Resolved issue: UIREC-430Yury Saukou
- Dropdown with actions menu is active on add piece form when piece format is not selectedUIREC-428Resolved issue: UIREC-428Dennis Bridges
- Could not receive po line that contains 100 piecesUIREC-427Resolved issue: UIREC-427Dennis Bridges
- Provide active tenantId in request payload for Bind pieces endpointUIREC-422Resolved issue: UIREC-422Joseph Reimers
- Add support to show Bind Items from another member tenantsUIREC-421Resolved issue: UIREC-421Dennis Bridges
- Ramsons Bugfest (ECS disabled): Adding acquisition unit to receiving title doesn't activate save button automaticallyUIREC-420Resolved issue: UIREC-420Dennis Bridges
- Actions menu is disabled for a piece if a user is not in ACQ unit assigned to the titleUIREC-418Resolved issue: UIREC-418Dennis Bridges
- ReleaseUIREC-416Resolved issue: UIREC-416
- Location with long name overlaps dropdown on "Edit piece" page in "Receiving" appUIREC-419Resolved issue: UIREC-419Joseph Reimers
- ECS | User in member tenant can't get search results for receiving titles without refreshing the pageUIREC-415Resolved issue: UIREC-415Joseph Reimers
- PUT piece and POST check in should be run sequentially for quick receiveUIREC-414
- Mark piece as late in ReceivingUIREC-413Resolved issue: UIREC-413Joseph Reimers
- Send claim action in receiving UIUIREC-412Resolved issue: UIREC-412Joseph Reimers
- User with no affiliation to the location in POL can not add pieces to the receiving title related to that POLUIREC-411Resolved issue: UIREC-411Joseph Reimers
- Add permission issue: UIREC-409Priyanka Terala
- inventory API version updateUIREC-408Resolved issue: UIREC-408Mikita Siadykh
- Update permissions in the package.jsonUIREC-407Resolved issue: UIREC-407Svitlana Kovalova
- Verify consortium-search permissionsUIREC-405Resolved issue: UIREC-405Pavlo Smahin
- Review and cleanup Module Descriptor for ui-receivingUIREC-410Resolved issue: UIREC-410Mikita Siadykh
- Action menu is still displayed after selection "Save and create another" optionUIREC-399Resolved issue: UIREC-399Dennis Bridges
- Bump up okapi interfaces for `pieces` (3.1) to support a new endpointUIREC-396Resolved issue: UIREC-396Alisher Musurmonov
- Cannot select location in "Permanent location" field in "Bind piece" formUIREC-395Resolved issue: UIREC-395
- ECS | Displaying pieces from member tenant in "Receive" full-screen formUIREC-394Resolved issue: UIREC-394Dennis Bridges
- Invalid reference in holdings drop-down when new location selectedUIREC-393Resolved issue: UIREC-393Joseph Reimers
- Sort pieces on bind items screenUIREC-392Resolved issue: UIREC-392Joseph Reimers
- New holding created for bound items even if existing holding is selectedUIREC-391Resolved issue: UIREC-391Joseph Reimers
- Only Display pieces on receiving title view if user affiliation(s) matches piece location affiliationUIREC-390Resolved issue: UIREC-390Dennis Bridges
- Use search batch holdings endpoint to filter by instanceIdsUIREC-389Resolved issue: UIREC-389Serhii_Nosko
- Leverage new Get Items across tenants endpointUIREC-388Resolved issue: UIREC-388Joseph Reimers
- ECS: Disable Item Connected link when item is located in another tenantUIREC-387Resolved issue: UIREC-387Joseph Reimers
- ECS: Holding name should be displayed for member holdings in "Permanent location" dropdownUIREC-386Resolved issue: UIREC-386Joseph Reimers
- Break order lines in chunks on receiving listUIREC-385Resolved issue: UIREC-385Mikita Siadykh
- Display '~' prefix for titles total count if it greater than 50kUIREC-384Resolved issue: UIREC-384
- Disable some actions for bound pieceUIREC-382Resolved issue: UIREC-382Joseph Reimers
- “Receiving” app closes after closing "Routing list" pageUIREC-380Resolved issue: UIREC-380Joseph Reimers
- Item details are cleared when select "Save and create another" option for adding electronic pieceUIREC-377Resolved issue: UIREC-377Dennis Bridges
- ECS | Location name field should be cleared on edit expected piece form after another affiliation selectionUIREC-376Resolved issue: UIREC-376
- Use radio buttons in Order type filters in ReceivingUIREC-375
- ECS - Check abandoned holdings when deleting a piece or changing a holding in central orderingUIREC-374Resolved issue: UIREC-374Dennis Bridges
- ECS - Use new endpoint to fetch pieces associated requests in all tenantsUIREC-373Resolved issue: UIREC-373Joseph Reimers
- Improvements for "Bind" processUIREC-372Resolved issue: UIREC-372Joseph Reimers
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