- UX: Proxy modal pop-up refinementUX-122Resolved issue: UX-122Kimie Kester
- UX: Proxy labeling refinementUX-121Resolved issue: UX-121Kimie Kester
- UX: Request results refinementUX-117Resolved issue: UX-117Kimie Kester
- Tweak Language and Display When No Proxy and Permissions Are FoundUX-115Resolved issue: UX-115Zak Burke
- icons for source records in the codex searchUX-111Resolved issue: UX-111Filip Jakobsen
- application icons for the navigation barUX-110Resolved issue: UX-110Filip Jakobsen
- Get Rolling Renewal Period from Loan Policy (Renew from System Date)UIU-415Resolved issue: UIU-415Michal Kuklis
- Lint the data-provider files in the ui-users sourceUIU-372Resolved issue: UIU-372Mike Taylor
- Lint the converters in the ui-users sourceUIU-371Resolved issue: UIU-371Mike Taylor
- Adjust address componentUIU-369Resolved issue: UIU-369Michal Kuklis
- Rewire item link in the loan details to point to ui-inventory insteadUIU-368Resolved issue: UIU-368Zak Burke
- Add confirmation for Patron Group DeletionUIU-367Resolved issue: UIU-367Aditya matukumalli
- User edit form: sort all dropdown menusUIU-366Resolved issue: UIU-366Zak Burke
- User > Edit pane: Patron groups should be sorted alphabeticallyUIU-365Resolved issue: UIU-365Zak Burke
- Disable Delete button for Patron Group that is in use by one or more usersUIU-364Resolved issue: UIU-364Zak Burke
- hide Proxy section when user lacks permissionUIU-363Resolved issue: UIU-363Zak Burke
- When There is an Unambiguous Match, The Details Record Should Open AutomaticallyUIU-360Resolved issue: UIU-360Zak Burke
- User Section Shouldn't Be Collapsible in View ModeUIU-359Resolved issue: UIU-359Matt Connolly
- Proxy Table Not Fully Displaying After Proxy Section Has Been ClosedUIU-358Resolved issue: UIU-358John Coburn
- After Accessing a User Record from Another App, Can't View Other Records in UsersUIU-357Resolved issue: UIU-357William Welling
- Renewal Loan Action Not Displaying Until After RefreshUIU-356Resolved issue: UIU-356mark.stacy
- Add "save" button to user settingsUIU-354Resolved issue: UIU-354Michal Kuklis
- Can't login as diku_admin after logging in and out as other user.UIU-353Resolved issue: UIU-353Jeremy Huff
- Refine Last Updated Metadata DisplayUIU-325Resolved issue: UIU-325Michal Kuklis
- Scroll Page to Display Validation Errors Upon Attempted SaveUIU-310Resolved issue: UIU-310Aditya matukumalli
- Disable Delete button for User Permission Set that is in use by one or more usersUIU-281Resolved issue: UIU-281Clint Bellanger
- CRUD Patron Groups column headers and iconsUIU-264Resolved issue: UIU-264John Coburn
- Modify Preferred Contact Method ValuesUIU-261Resolved issue: UIU-261Zak Burke
- Loan Actions: Loan Action for RequestsUIU-253Resolved issue: UIU-253mark.stacy
- User Status Should be Inactive When ExpiredUIU-235Resolved issue: UIU-235Jeremy Huff
- User Loans Page (Closed Loans Tab) Should Have Own URLUIU-230Resolved issue: UIU-230Zak Burke
- Proxy: Set Relationship Status (Proxy Sub-Section)UIU-201Resolved issue: UIU-201Michal Kuklis
- Proxy: Set Relationship Status (Sponsor Sub-Section)UIU-200Resolved issue: UIU-200Michal Kuklis
- Loans Details Page Should Have Own URLUIU-145Resolved issue: UIU-145Zak Burke
- User Loans Page (Open Loans Tab) Should Have Own URLUIU-143Resolved issue: UIU-143Zak Burke
- Create regression tests for ui-searchUISE-61Resolved issue: UISE-61Mike Taylor
- Holding Status filters sends incorrect queryUISE-60Resolved issue: UISE-60Mike Taylor
- The "Available Online" filter option should be selected by defaultUISE-59Resolved issue: UISE-59Mike Taylor
- The initially selected index should be "Title", not "ID"UISE-57Resolved issue: UISE-57Mike Taylor
- After linking out to another app, strange redirects start to happenUISE-56Resolved issue: UISE-56Mike Taylor
- Brief-record displays in ui-search must link DIRECTLY into other modulesUISE-55Resolved issue: UISE-55Mike Taylor
- Make links to eHoldings records back buttonableUISE-54Resolved issue: UISE-54Mike Taylor
- Links into eHoldings should include the queryUISE-53Resolved issue: UISE-53Mike Taylor
- Link from ui-search's KB records into ui-eholdingsUISE-51Resolved issue: UISE-51Mike Taylor
- Link from ui-search's inventory records into ui-inventoryUISE-50Resolved issue: UISE-50Mike Taylor
- Rename ID to FOLIO ID, enable IdentifierUISE-49Resolved issue: UISE-49Mike Taylor
- When clearing the search, the record-display area should clearUISE-48Resolved issue: UISE-48Mike Taylor
- Changing sort-order, then returning to Title sort, breaks EKB searchingUISE-47Resolved issue: UISE-47Mike Taylor
- Index dropdown initially displays "ID" but is set emptyUISE-46Resolved issue: UISE-46Mike Taylor
- Fix default searchUISE-43Resolved issue: UISE-43Mike Taylor
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