User Loans Page (Closed Loans Tab) Should Have Own URL
Potential Workaround
is blocked by
hideTestRail: Results
Marc Keepper January 22, 2018 at 9:44 PM
Tested successfully on 22-January Marc Keepper
Users App top level
Users App, User = Adams, Helene Betsy, Select User Loans page, 3 Open Lons
Closed Loan page for the same user is also successful
John Coburn January 16, 2018 at 7:45 PM
@Zak Burke Yep - that's the best way. It will need a url to fit to that 'to' attribute, of course. If <Button> is supplied an `href` prop it will render an anchor with button styling - but this might be broken since that functionality wasn't used very often and the styles have gone through quite an overhaul recently.
Zak Burke January 16, 2018 at 7:32 PM
@John Coburn, I believe the easiest option for enabling Scenario 2, “Right click ‘N Open loans’ to open it in a new tab” is to change the <Button onclick...>NNN Open Loans</Button>
elements to <Link to...>NNN Open Loans</Link>
elements. Agreed? We could wrap a <Button>
in a <Link>
but I’m not sure there’s an advantage to that.
Cate Boerema November 20, 2017 at 10:25 AM
Per @Jakub Skoczen, we should keep this story separate from (URL for Open Loans Tab). I have added some Notes to the story description above which may inform a general solution, if that's the direction we go.
Cate Boerema November 16, 2017 at 2:58 PM
See comment on Not sure if these stories should be combined or left separate at this point.
Purpose: By giving each FOLIO page a unique URL, we make it possible to open pages in multiple tabs (for multi-tasking) and to bookmark commonly used pages.
Given the Users app
When the Closed Loans tab of the Loans page (accessed by clicking Closed Loans link on User Details) is displayed
Then the page URL should be unique to the User Loans page > Closed Loans tab
Given the Loans section on User details
When the <N> Closed Loans link displays
Then I can right click to open that page in a new tab
We should treat the open/closed versions of the loans page as a filter as we may someday need to introduce a view that shows all loans.
We will also need to be able to bookmark/open in new tab the Fees/fines page which is very analogous to Loans. Fees/fines may have additional filters (beyond just open/closed). See mockups here: