Renewal Loan Action Not Displaying Until After Refresh
CSP Request Details
CSP Rejection Details
Potential Workaround
hideTestRail: Results
Anya January 9, 2018 at 5:18 PM
IC's tested this together on 1/9.Worked as expected.
Cate Boerema January 9, 2018 at 10:41 AM
Thanks, @mark.stacy! You should mark your completed issues as In Review so they can be tested before being closed. I'll update the status.
mark.stacy January 8, 2018 at 11:47 PMEdited
This issue was resolved by STCON-39 and Tested on folio-testing and Loan Action detail page refresh with Renew and Recall/Hold request action. Refresh not required.
mark.stacy January 4, 2018 at 4:00 PM
@Cate Boerema I merged STCON-39 and PR to master. I believe this issue is resolved.
mark.stacy January 4, 2018 at 2:11 PM
@Cate Boerema The has not been merged into master. I just received permission to merge. Folio-testing will not have code yet. is waiting for STCON-39 merge.
Steps to repro:
Log into folio-testing as diku_admin
Go to a user with an open loan
Go to the Loans page for that user and renew the loan
Drill into Loan details by clicking "..."
Look at the loan actions table
Expected: There should be a loan action displaying for the renewal
Actual: The loan actions table does not display the renewal action. In order to see it, I had to refresh the page.