- Handle 'notify' field issue upon creating fee/fineUIU-1438Resolved issue: UIU-1438Viktor Soroka
- Error when attempting to delete a patron blockUIU-1431Resolved issue: UIU-1431Michal Kuklis
- Changes made to patron blocks are not being saved fullyUIU-1430Resolved issue: UIU-1430Michal Kuklis
- Record last updated and created info missing from manual patron blockUIU-1420Resolved issue: UIU-1420Michal Kuklis
- FOLIO is getting into "loop"--must click Users app twice to get out of itUIU-1412Resolved issue: UIU-1412Michal Kuklis
- New fee/fine page is not clearing old item data when it opensUIU-1410Resolved issue: UIU-1410Michal Kuklis
- "Error modal" does not un-checkmark entries when you click on themUIU-1408Resolved issue: UIU-1408John Coburn
- FF History does not checkmark all rows when top box checkedUIU-1407Resolved issue: UIU-1407John Coburn
- Address type displaying as UUID when displayed in User ViewUIU-1404Resolved issue: UIU-1404Владислав Велицкий
- edit-block query does not contain a where clauseUIU-1397Resolved issue: UIU-1397Michal Kuklis
- Cannot close "block" windowUIU-1393Resolved issue: UIU-1393Michal Kuklis
- Create user defaults wrong (Status = inactive, Preferred contact = Select contact type)UIU-1385Resolved issue: UIU-1385Matt Connolly
- Error reordering queue when I don't have Requests: Reorder queue optionUIREQ-389Resolved issue: UIREQ-389Michal Kuklis
- Wrong menus showing when duplicating request when not logged in as diku_adminUIREQ-385Resolved issue: UIREQ-385Владислав Велицкий
- Wrong delivery address selected when preference = hold shelf and then changedUIREQ-380Resolved issue: UIREQ-380Владислав Велицкий
- Strange behavior when editing request for item with no barcodeUIREQ-377Resolved issue: UIREQ-377Cate Boerema
- When Moving Request from One Item to Another, Put at End of QueueUIREQ-334Resolved issue: UIREQ-334Michal Kuklis
- Intermittent: Error cancelling request ("Cannot edit closed request")UIREQ-321Resolved issue: UIREQ-321Michal Kuklis
- Item barcode not auto-populating when checking out delivery requestUICHKOUT-584Resolved issue: UICHKOUT-584maksym_dryha
- {{}} token not populating for delivery request staff slipsUICHKIN-146Resolved issue: UICHKIN-146maksym_dryha
- Navigation Buttons Not Displayed in Calendar Exceptions Editing ScreenUICAL-98Resolved issue: UICAL-98Anna Melnyk
- Users: When using filters, the hit list behaves oddlySTCON-91Resolved issue: STCON-91John Coburn
- Instance creation fails with default instancetypeidMODSOURMAN-246Resolved issue: MODSOURMAN-246Igor Gorchakov
- Bugfest: Inventory search very slowMODINVSTOR-424Resolved issue: MODINVSTOR-424Cate Boerema
- Update RAML Module Builder (RMB) to 29.1.5MODINVSTOR-418Resolved issue: MODINVSTOR-418Julian Ladisch
- Adding a Instance record with a few more contributors than normal throws "Values larger than 1/3 of a buffer page cannot be indexed" exceptionMODINVSTOR-395Resolved issue: MODINVSTOR-395Julian Ladisch
- Adding an Instance with a longer title throws "Values larger than 1/3 of a buffer page cannot be indexed"MODINVSTOR-390Resolved issue: MODINVSTOR-390Julian Ladisch
- Reindex of contributors fails with maximum 2712 'index row size exceeded' errorMODINVSTOR-379Resolved issue: MODINVSTOR-379Julian Ladisch
- Indices for sorting: Only index first part of JSON array propertiesMODINVSTOR-139Resolved issue: MODINVSTOR-139Julian Ladisch
- Error moving request: "Access requires permission:"CIRC-610Resolved issue: CIRC-610Marc Johnson
- Patron notices: request expiration notice not sentCIRC-606Resolved issue: CIRC-606Oleksandr Vidinieiev
- Patron notices: pickup reminder and holdshelf expiration notice not sentCIRC-605Resolved issue: CIRC-605Oleksandr Vidinieiev
- Broken schedule notices records block notices processingCIRC-582Resolved issue: CIRC-582Oleksandr Vidinieiev
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