07 Aug 2024
Attendees: Mike Gorrell , Kristin Martin , Charlotte Whitt , Kirstin Kemner-Heek , Jenn Colt , Craig McNally , Marc Johnson , Tod Olson
Discussion items
Time Item Who Notes Updates on RFCs, PoC, etc Craig, others Relationships between apps: there are 276 stories in the FOLIO Eureka Jira, so where does the application formalization stand?
No one is splitting out things from the mega-applications yet. Newer apps will be developed for newer modules: Eureka update:
Roles and capabilities are system-generated and derived from permissions. Sometimes permissions for select modules are idiosyncractic and do not following standard naming conventions The Eureka project in Jira is a catchall for new tickets and then tickets may be moved to specific project. That's one reason why it is so big. If there are more questions, feel free to reach out to Vince or Craig Current projects All Initial grouping spreadsheet: For WolfCon planning: get the spreadsheet to a point where we could present it at wolfcon with both some reasoning around how it is set up and some expectation setting for how hard it will be to get there and the ability to outline what work is still to be done (both governance and development) Relationship of spreadsheet to domain modeling exerciseWOLFCon session: Draft of the groupings based on the spreadsheet, and have a community discussion about it Show our ideas, grouped by LSP functionality, and then ask people to move things around and see whether we are on track Do we take the modules and try to come up with a speculative grouping or do we ignore the existing modules and start with an abstract clean slate? How can we successfully facilitate this conversation in a shorter session that will be useful for the product? Start with a straw man to get input on a suggested model Frame conversation around our goals for why we are doing this: what is our north star At WOLFCon already: Vince and Craig will have a workshop on how to break modules into logical groupings: Consider ideas: how would the mega-application get broken up? or when something new gets its own application, and how does that fit into the end goal Discussion of iterative approach: breaking up the mega-apps and merging new apps to desired state Holding for now: Action items: All: review the spreadsheet and bring comments or new version to the group. Take a look a draft functional criteria .
Charlotte Whitt will check on moderator potential for the WOLFCon session.
Action items
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