2020-07-01 UM-SIG Meeting notes




  • Discuss REP-262, a report derived from REP-260, which we discussed last week.

Discussion items

5 minSet note taker
  • Michelle

Demo of preferred name and using Emoji in the name fields


Searching and stripping out characters....probably why we can't search by emoji.

Custom fields demo (https://folio-snapshot-stable.aws.indexdata.com/)Patty

Settings>Users>Custom Fields> Edit

Can have unlimited custom fields

Can change the name of the accordian

Several types of fields to use (eg. checkbox, textbox) and can include help text.

Can make the fields required or not required

Patty and Khalilah are working on test cases for this functionality.

UXProd-2092 / UXProd-2560

Fielded searching / boolean searches


Update from Cate: Discussed boolean search with RA SIG who felt fielded search should take a higher priority.

Discussed in RA SIG: On fielded search - it is easier to teach when someone new starts (than boolean search).  

This group agrees on the priority.

Boolean search JIRA:   UXPROD-1015 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Search by email address was suggested.

Cate also pointed out than you can 'and' in the keyword search (first name / last name). It is supposed to work now.  Has this group had success with this type of search?  It would be nice if people in this group tried it during testing and create tickets if problems are found.

User counts

Users (when less than 1,000)...you can filter and get an accurate count.

In Bugfest everything is just an estimate because there are 1000s of users.  Over 1,000 in FOLIO = counts are only estimates.

Another place you see something similar – > If you go into setings>user>patron groups – does not count the number of patrons in each group.  Count shows as zero.  This has been recorded as a bug.  FOLIO is not good at counting at this time.

Question - would we rather have the false count or no count at all?

RMB has made a change recently to improve the accuracy of the counts...but there is still a max when it becomes inaccurate.

REP-260 / REP-262

UM needs report of active borrowers


One thought was anonymized users into LDP and make this report once per year....but this would violate GDPR.

They will talk to Emma B. who is developing a circulation log report.  Maybe that could be extended to cover this.

This might come back to this group for further analysis (if it's user record/tenant level).

Possibility of using a counter for this type of report.

The problem is resources and priorities.  

Spitfire team has begun to work on User Department

Khalilah will ask this group to work on acceptance testing of custom fields soon.

Action items
