2022-03-30 Meeting notes



Discussion items

1 minScribeAll

Dennis Benndorf is next, followed by Zak Burke , (Jeremy Huff filling in)

5 min

Review outstanding action itemsAll

Zak Burke will create an RFC for the i18n proposal: Zak Burke and Radhakrishnan Gopalakrishnan have started on it

10-15 minTCR Board Review


TCR-9: Zak Burke says this not ready to come back for review

Zak Burke does not feel like the Translation RFC scope is jumbled

Marc Johnson does not feel like the notes concerning the 2-RFC plan accurately reflects what we decided on last week.

Jeremy Huff recommends that we leverage the Translation Subgroup to handle translation RFC process

Zak Burke sees three buckets for translation: Backend Static, Frontend Static and Runtime Dynamic. He feels confident that a single RFC can address the static translation. He anticipates an additional RFC for runtime translation, but hopes to address this with the translation subgroup

Craig McNally suggest that a wiki be created for the translation subgroup, and Zak Burke agrees.

10-15 min

Technical Council Sub Groups Updates


Craig McNally updated expected end date for New Module Technical Evaluation SubGroup

Tod Olson mentions that he and Jeremy Huff  need to schedule a meeting for Technical Council Goals/Objectives subgroup

Radhakrishnan Gopalakrishnan has created slack channel for the Tech Documentation and On Boarding Subgroup. Craig McNally recommends seeking volunteers from larger slack channels.

5-10 minWOLF Con Meeting Ideas

Notes from last week:

Mike Gorrell posted a wiki page for collecting WOLFCon meeting ideas. The TC has been asked to contribute to this list of ideas. The current WOLFCon planning document is here.

The draft time box outline on sessions is here.

There are 2 topics mentioned - FOLIO architectural blueprint and Addressing FOLIO technical debt

Philip Robinson volunteers from TC wanted to assist with some topics, providing more information, organizing etc.


  • Follow-up... did we find volunteers for this yet?

Philip Robinson : we still have not gotten volunteers for this yet

Jakub Skoczen asks what the deadline is for this. Philip Robinson mentions no specific deadline, but since early registration has started, or is starting soon, we need descriptions for existing topics

Marc Johnson asks if we are needing new topics, and Philip Robinson says there is still time to suggest new topics.

Tod Olson mentions the FOLIO Architectural Blueprint and feels that this is a very timely discussion

Jeremy Huff asks if an orientation of new module evaluation, Philip Robinson asks who the target would be. Jeremy Huff says POs and tech leads would be the target. Zak Burke Tod Olson says it seems worthwhile, they question WOLFCon is the right venue for it.

Marc Johnson echos Tod Olson in stressing the importance of the architectural blueprint topic. He feels we need to be prepared for this conversation with a plan for how we are going to conduct this conversation.

Jeremy Huff suggest using a subgroup for preparing the blueprint

Jakub Skoczen we do not allocate resources and cannot prioritize work in response to the Architectural Blueprint

Jeremy Huff suggests that we integrate the AB into the new module evaluation process

Tod Olson suggests that the AB can influence the RFC process

Philip Robinson Asks if the TC have the capacity to address all the topics we have already been made accountable for

Marc Johnson Suggests the cross council subgroup would be a good venue for preparing for any discussion of New Module Evaluation WOLFCon topic. Jeremy Huff asks if Marc Johnson will broach this with the cross council subgroup.

Tod Olson Part of the goal of the cross council efforts on module evaluation is to get community involvement in module creation earlier. He feels that even if the process is not completely fleshed out, there is value in having a community discussion about this. Zak Burke Craig McNally and Jeremy Huff agree.

5 minUpdates from PC?


Tod Olson won't be able to attend PC meeting for the next 2 sessions to share TC updates there; Zak Burke will be able to join for the first half of the next meeting at least

Community Council would like to have more representatives from other councils; Jeremy Huff will try to attend but no commitment; same from Marc Johnson

Zak Burke outlined the state of the subgroups. He agreed to attend tomorrow. Tod Olson got good feedback on Zak Burke presentation.

Action Items

  • Marc Johnson will gauge the cross council interest in a WOLFCon topic concerning the Module Evaluation process