2022-01-13 Meeting notes




Discussion items


Recap on Log4shellAll
  • Time to make the fixes took to long
    • Consider to make a person from the core platform responsible to drive these fixes
    • Someone from stripes team should be the same for front end issues
  • It was not clear what release is needed to be fixed. LTS is needed to be defined
    • New group has been set up to define this
    • Should reach out to the new group for the status and see if they want somebody from the security team → Jakub Skoczen has take this on
    • Need support statement for other releases
  • Took too long to respond
    • When is the security team resposible to react? On direct messages or should we scan several channels? ← Need to define this more clearly to the Charter
    • Should be a group effort
    • Need to provide some guidance to community questions / concerns
  • Postpone retrospective board until Craig is back
5 min

Update on FOLIO-3317 - Getting issue details... STATUS  


Tickets had been opened and there is some movment at mod-data-exp and mod-data-imp.

Axel to reach out to Leipzig if they have any plans on the others.

  • mod-data-export MDEXP-487 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • mod-data-import MODDATAIMP-608 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • mod-erm-usage MODEUS-139 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • mod-finc-config  UIFC-262 - Getting issue details... STATUS

*Review the Kanban boardTeam
Nothing urgent will come back to that next meeting

Action items

  • Julian Ladisch / Craig McNally  to respond to Marc Johnson's question on the log4shell wiki page about upgrading vertx in edge-common.  
  • Craig McNally to create a doodle poll and post to the slack channel (mon/tues/wed)