2025-01-03 Reporting SIG Meeting notes
Jan 6, 2025
How to Join the Meeting
Meetings are held on Zoom on the first 4 Mondays of each month at 11:00 am Eastern U.S. time (see this time in your time zone). The first and third Mondays focus on Reporting Development topics, and the second and fourth Mondays focus on Reporting Business topics.
Here are the Zoom details:
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://openlibraryfoundation.zoom.us/j/601231377?pwd=ZVFtQWxUaTFLb1J3b1JPdlZqZU1lQT09
Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +13017158592,,601231377# or +13126266799,,601231377#
Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 601 231 377
Find your local number: https://openlibraryfoundation.zoom.us/u/ketrxUP4uW
Discussion Items
Item | Who | Notes |
Attendance |
| Attendance & Notes
Announcements and Reminders | Sharon | Announcements:
Ongoing Topics:
SIG Recruitment: We will need to be recruiting for a variety of roles in the coming months. Please consider whether you would be interested. Please reach out to @Scott Perry or @Sharon Markus with any questions.
Question: How to match Course Reserve Titles to Vendor Electronic Usage reports?
| Elena OMalley | Question: If you were writing a report involving individual course reserves titles, what field would you include to help match it against vendor ebook (Clarivate/Proquest and EBSCO, mostly) usage reports? I was initially thinking eISBN, but MARC doesn't have a specific subfield for only eISBN, does it? Do ebook records have any convenient unique identifiers that would appear in both FOLIO and vendor reports? -035 MARC has ebz prefixes, not -020 MARC for EISBN not consistent; perhaps take the first one? -use the DOI from the MARC 856 -EBSCO accession number, Proquest it is the document id; maybe compare to MARC 856
Metadb Mapping Next Steps |
Mike Gorrell | Review a few Testing Notes Next Steps:
Reporting SIG Goals for 2025 |
Sharon and Scott | If there is time, we’ll do a first cut on Reporting SIG Goals for 2025. To start thinking about this, you can take a look at our projects here: Reporting SIG Projects This is also a great opportunity to think about and share ideas, such as:
Recurring Items (Updated weekly, but not always discussed in meeting)
Item | Who | Notes |
Review of In-Progress Projects (Recurring) |
Review the release notes for FOLIO Analytics, LDP, LDLite, LDP Reporting App, marct, Metadb Projects (Recurring) |