Ranking JIRA Issues

Ranking JIRA Issues


Business impact

Old rankings were automatically converted

R1 - Urgent

Cannot implement without this feature; Cannot complete critical functions without this feature


R2 - High

Library operations are severely curtailed; Significantly lowers productivity; Cannot fulfill obligations to patrons or partners

Can wait – up to a quarter after go-live

R3 - Medium

Can perform normal operations but productivity is noticeably lower; Workaround is insufficient and suitable only for short-term use

Can wait until FYRO

R4 - Low

Has minimal impact on productivity, feature commonly available in other ILS/LSPs; nice to have; Workaround is viable although long-term solution is still needed (or workaround lacks functionality)

Can wait - up to 1 year

R5 - Not needed

Not needed

As of 2020, the Reporting SIG is only ranking reporting cluster issues, such as "UXPROD-2029 RA-Requests Cluster." Individual report requirements are captured in JIRA issues that start with "REP," such as "REP-275 Curbside Pickup Report." The designation "Fiscal Year Rollover" has been removed. This work was done in the FOLIO Implementers group.

September 2020: JIRA rankings for UXPROD and REP issues were converted to the new ranking system R1 (urgent) to R5 (not needed). The Implementation group found that the old system based on time ("Go-live", "Can wait up to 1 year", etc.) had outlived their usefulness as we had more libraries in production. Old rankings were automatically converted. See notes from the FOLIO Implementers SIG: