Distinguishing UM from RA Reports
What are the features that help us decide whether a report is categorized as "User Management" or "Resource Access?"
User Management report data elements
- user accounts
- user biodemo data
- groups of users
- user loads
- data about users and how they are fed into the system
Resource Access report data elements
- circulation statistics on loans, reserves, recalls, browses, eresources, sessions, etc.
- circulation service usage
- if collection use is involved, it is a Resource Access report, regardless of user data elements used
Reporting Functionality Needed related to UM and RA Reports
- NCIP-related reports: how user management data elements support these standards, and do they?
- LTI (courseware interface to library systems)
- SIP2-related reports
-should ARES be an interface to FOLIO?
-every module will need user data
-User Permissions information: UM app feature or report?
-Batch Edit: e.g., setting a list of items to a particular user permission status (e.g., items for honor students); Batch Edit tool needed
-ARES-related reports (Reserves app for FOLIO?)
Action Items
-Andrea, Maura, and Sharon to bring up need for Batch Edit tool at Product Council meeting 12/6/18
-follow up with courseware interface providers at each institution to understand standards required for data sharing
-(DONE) Sharon to add Reporting Functionality items above to "reporting functionality" worksheet on Reporting SIG Master Spreadsheet (list of all FOLIO reporting requirements)