RM Charge Brainstorming

RM Charge Brainstorming

In scope

  • Acquisitions
  • Budget management
  • Knowledge base intersections
  • Data modeling
  • License management


  • Design data model
  • Model intersection of knowledge bases
  • Support ERM lifecycle - including selection and assessment
  • Support acquisitions workflows for print and electronic materials

Out of scope

  • Bibliographic metadata
  • Metadata storage
  • Scholarly communications


Current text for Business Operations Management SIG

Resource Management

The Business Operations Management SIG works with developers to define essential functions for acquiring and managing all types of materials: fund structures, orders, receiving, payment, claims, licensing, access and authentication methods, maintenance, usage and other statistics, other possible evaluation tools, and reporting.  The SIG will consider options to show relationships between resources, and mechanisms and workflows needed to support these functions. The Business Operations Management SIG advises developers on the coordination needed between its operations and other functions, such as metadata management.  It also advises developers on the interactions needed between libraries, vendors, and other parties necessary for successful resource management.

Current text from Harry's SIG priorities

Special Interest Groups

RM - Resource Management

  1. This involves the management of all library holdings which include at the minimum:
    1. E-journals
    2. E-Books
    3. Print books
    4. Print journals
    5. Video & images
    6. Music and sound recordings
    7. Institutional repositories
    8. Equipment
  2. Acquisitions & Financial Management – What happens when a title is purchased (for example)? The record/holding should be available within the system automatically. What should that look like? Does this become a part of RM?
  3. Multi-library configurations
  4. What key opportunities exist here for linked data?
  5. Holding deletion & deactivation – What is the ideal feature set & workflow
  6. For all of the above and any others that become apparent, where should we be at 5 and 10 years from now?

  7. Search needs