List of Real life Examples of Resource Management activities

List of Real life Examples of Resource Management activities

  1. Contract negotiation
    1. large vendor - different types
    2. large publishers, e.g. Elsevier
    3. small publishers, e.g. ...
  2. Other types of contact with vendors and publishers
    1. trouble shooting
  3. Access management
    1. setting up IPS (are there libraries who are not using IP authentication? Doing straight Shibboleth for everything? Using Open Athens?)
    2. setting up branding, e.g. the library's logo
      1. Example of complicated Administrative website (ProQuest): http://media2.proquest.com/documents/pam.pdf
  4. Subject librarians ERL dialogue
  5. The selection process and dialogues
    1. Vendor
      1. packages
        1. NC State's painpoints document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JXC6Huxg3nTq_l_0VwnSb75Xc8vuUIhmoXQjOp_Tx8A/edit
      2. individual titles
        1. Chicago's instructions to selectors for reviewing their titles during renewal season: Renewal instructions.docx and a sample of a spreadsheet with titles and other information: sample renewal sheet.xlsx
    2. Publisher
    3. Hands on selection vs. selection based on electronic informations
    4. Types
      1. databases
      2. other types of materials than books
  6. ERM related record types
    1. current
    2. Future
  7. Patron complaints
  8. Key pains
  9. Screenshots from your ILS: Adding a package or item from KB

  10. Screenshots from your ILS: Adding a package or item that is locally purchased or hosted

  11. Screenshots from your ILS: Adding OA (Open Access) items


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