2017-08-03 Resource Access Meeting Notes




45 min

Loans and Loan Details Wireframes

Proxy Assignment Wireframes

    • Reviewed latest iterations of wireframes for Loans, Loan Details and Proxy Assignment (see below)
    • Loans screen feedback
      • Let’s put the Borrower name somewhere more prominent.  Up at the top with Loans was suggested (using the same larger font).  You don’t need to make the borrower name a link in this case since all you need to do to get to the borrower record is to click the X to close the overlay.  Also, let’s put their patron group up by the borrower name (e.g. Undergrad, Faculty, Graduate Student).  Could be in parentheses, I suppose.
      • With the extra space freed up, we’d like to add a ”Lost” button to the button row.  Apparently it’s common for many items to be lost at once so the ability to do that in bulk would be a good thing.
    • Loan details feedback
      • Can we show with a fees and fines amount displaying and make that a link (should take you to a page with a list of the fees and fines on that loan, but you don’t need to mock that up)
      • They suggested reorganizing the data elements at the top into 3 buckets:
      • Borrower-related
        • Borrower
        • Proxy borrower
        • Item-related
          • Title
          • Author
          • Barcode
          • Location
          • Call number
        • Loan-related
          • Item status
          • Loan policy
          • Due date
          • Loan date
          • Return date
          • Renewal count
          • Request queue
          • Claimed returned
          • Lost
    • Proxy feedback– No changes
    • General UX questions/comments:
        • Current designs propose an (+) to indicate if there was data in a closed section.  People liked this and thought it was an excellent first step, but they did think that, if there was something to count in the section (like number of proxy relationships or number of open loans) it would be better to include some indication of that number.  That said, they recognize that not all sections will have something to count.  I told them UX would think about how that would look to show counts in some cases and something else (like (+)) in other cases.  Is that confusing? Need UX recommendation.
        • Some people thought the trash icon might suggest that the thing being deleted would actually be moved into trash and not fully deleted.  This is a nice feature, but certainly not something we are going to focus on in the near term.  Everyone agreed there should be a delete confirmation popup and that could indicate that the item would be permanently deleted, but, some thought a different delete icon (like a red x) might be better. Need UX recommendation.
        • SIG asked whether, if you didn’t have permission to, say, delete a loan, would the delete button not display at all or would it display and be inactive (with rollover text saying you don’t have permission for this).  Currently in FOLIO, we simply don’t paint the buttons you don’t have permissions to use.  It sounded like the SIG actually liked the idea of showing them greyed out. Need UX recommendation.
        • People were asking about how navigation would work.   Filip is working on that and will show something when he’s ready. 
15 minPatron Data on Checkout ScreenHolly 



Loan Details

Proxy Assignment Within User Record