2023-04-25 FOLIO Implementers Meeting Notes






Recommended Resources and Pre-Reads


  • Housekeeping
  • API Basics for Total Absolute Beginners
    • What is an API?
    • Why do we do things with APIs in FOLIO?
    • What can I do with APIs in FOLIO
    • How do I do those things?
    • Where can I learn more?
  • Closing
    • Any actions or follow through?





05:00Goal of the sessionCreate a lesson plan to teach colleagues how-to recreated the cool stuff we hear about + record their solutions too. Put our heads together to create a basic version that other people can use.
People who have great ideas don't always have the skills or language to implement them. So this is something for people just starting out.
08:00Tara starting the presentationPresention agenda
09:24What is an API?
  • You already use APIs!
  • Behind the scenes...
  • Why do I care if FOLIO already does this?
  • What does an API go out and "get" us?
  • What is JSON
  • Sending Data to FOLIO.
14:22Can I hurt FOLIO? ':-(
  • With Great Power...
  • ... who care if you blow up snapshot, amiright?
15:23Let's make a requset in Postman
  •  Our mission: Place a request to get records for all users who belong to a certain Patron Group.
  • Step 1: Gather what we need
  • Step 2: Set up our environment
  • Step 3: Add a collection and a request
  • Step 4: Set our headers and Host
  • Step 5: Figure out how to get the users?
  • Let's break it down
  • Step 6: Let's run this puppy!
  • Step 7: Profit
  • Seems like a lot of effort for nothing.
23:33Fancy flows in PostmanYou don't have to use Postman!
26:04Now it's your turn!
  • Wouldn't it be awesome if...
  • ... FOLIO had an offline circulation tool?
  • Need more ideas
  • Challenge!
  • Questions?
  • Tools
  • Resources
27:40Q&A: It is possible to do this in 30 mins?
  • You might not get them going completely in half an hour, but motivate them to get involved and learning.
  • Dunno how to do what I want to do, but I now have an idea how to find that.
  • Fairly good intro, but may lose people after 2/3rds.
  • My questions: Can I get my paraprofessionels to do something more efficiently than in the UI?
  • Was awesome; the particulars of any tool will be the mud - so focus more on the universal pieces, without going into the tool specifics - i.e. show it in Postman but gloss over how Postman works, "for more details on this, go to this training".
  • Very good presentation. Gives a taste of what you can do without getting into the weeds of the tool. 1 query for circ, and 1 query for bib-data. Then provide links to more information/ training.
  • Very nice explaining the notions of environment and templates - keep that! It shows the reusability. 
37:57What did you hate about this presentation? How did I totally fail?
  • Here's Postman, suddenly we're doing complexe queries - could there be an intermediary step?
  • What do you want attendees to do after this presentation? Owen's done similar training (0,5 day) Your last question "What can you imagine using this for" is the most important, otherwise they're not invested. Good to highlight this is not rocket science, but they still can't do anything after this presentation, they need to be motivated to go and do more work. So can that side of it be built up more?
  • Aim is also to reduce anxiety and fear; create a low-stakes tutorial.
  • Future idea: tutorial to use CQL with these APIs. 
  • Can the examples used be loaded into Postman? Share your Postman- things so that other people can use them?
  • Go on to Snapshot and break it is good; but then "stick with GET" - maybe that's too cautious? Creating a load of data from a spreadsheet shows more powerfully, what Postman can, than getting a report. But different audiences have different views of what will help them.
  • Compelling case for APIs is how much time you can save all the time, and you CAN fix mistakes. E.g. show POST then DELETE. Indeed, this is very usefull when adding thousands of records. Grab records and do something with them.
  • Examples of what you can't do with APIs? Well, FOLIO works with APIs -  FOLIO eats its own dogfood, there's no other secret sauce, this is it.

Action Items