Loans - Data Structures

Loans - Data Structures

JSON schema in Github

Loans are kept in mod-circulation-storage — the loan schema can be found in Github at https://github.com/folio-org/mod-circulation-storage/blob/master/ramls/loan.json

Required fields

  • item ID
  • loan data
  • action

User ID is required for an open loan, but not required for a closed loan, because you anonymize closed loans by removing the user ID attribute.

Tip: Some circulation policies are stored / referenced on the loan record and some are not

When a loan is created, it stores a UUID reference to the loan policy, overdue fine policy, and lost item policy. This is so that FOLIO knows how to handle renewal requests, as well as processes for overdue fines and when an item ages to lost.

FOLIO does NOT store a reference on the loan record to the request policy or the notice policy. The request policy would be redundant - by the time the patron is checking out the item, they no longer need to request it. For notices, they are scheduled when the loan is created, so the notice policy isn't stored in the loan because it doesn't need to be referenced later.