

Overall information

FOLIO's implementation of Open Archives Initiative  Protocol for Metadata Harvesting for harvesting bibliographic data in XML format and enriched with predefined data from holdings and item records.

Supported formats

  • MARC21

  • Dublin Core

Supported verbs

  • GetRecord –  to retrieve an individual metadata record.
  • Identify – to retrieve repository information (ex. name, version).
  • ListIdentifiers – to retrieve only records headers (identifiers).
  • ListMetadataFormats –  to retrieve the available metadata formats.
  • ListRecords –  to retrieve actual metadata records

Supported metadataParameters

  • marc21 - for harvesting bibliographic records only
  • marc21_withholdings – for harvesting holdings and items data in addition to bibliographic records.


Supported data sources starting with the Orchid release.

Configurable under Settings>OAI-PMH>Behavior>Record source

  • Source record storage - harvests MARC bib records from SRS.  If holdings and item data is requested (by harvesting with marc21_withholdings verb, the data comes from inventory holdings and item records based on defined mappings.  This is the default value.
  • Inventory - Instance records are generated based on the default mappings. If holdings and item data is requested (by harvesting with marc21_withholdings verb, the data comes from inventory holdings and item records based on the defined mappings. 
  • Source record storage and inventory -  if there is SRS MARC bib record then it will be harvested.  If the instance record does not have underlying SRS record then the MARC record is generated based on the defined mappings. If holdings and item data is requested (by harvesting with marc21_withholdings verb, the data comes from inventory holdings and item records based on defined mappings.


To work with OAI-PMH module your user must have related permission: “Settings (OAI-PMH): Display list of settings pages” and/or “Settings (OAI-PMH): Can view and edit settings”.

  • "Settings (OAI-PMH): Display list of settings pages" - user can view all oai-pmh settings, but "Save" button is disabled. User can see the message "You lack necessary permissions to edit OAI-PMH settings. Please, contact the system administrator."

  • "Settings (OAI-PMH): Can view and edit settings" - user can view all oai-pmh settings and "Save" button is enabled if field is modified.

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