02 Vorhandene Elemente (Bestellmahnungen) - Funktionsanalyse

Auf dieser Seite werden vorhandene Elemente für die Nutzung der Bestellmahnungen beschrieben.


Proposal UB Leipzig and SLUB Dresden

Initial proposal on claims for monographs


The following elements in Folio could be examined regarding the claiming process.

Approval date

  • App: Orders
  • Description:
    • The date when an order is opened and thus the order should be sent. This is the beginning of the potential claiming process.
  • Questions:
    • -
  • Proposals:
    • If “Approval date” is updated, the “Expected receipt date” has to be updated, too.
    • If during the sending process of the orders an element "sending date" is created and applied, this element should be used instead of "Approval date". 
      • Reason: An order can be sent only one or two weeks after the approval. The claiming process must only start, when the order is sent.


Expected receipt interval

  • Questions:
    • -
  • Proposals:
    • This value should be used to calculate and populate the Orders' "Expected receipt date" automatically.

Expected receipt date

  • App: Orders/POL
  • Description:
    • The date on which a claim needs to be sent, if the order did not arrive on the expected date. It consists of: “Approval date” + “Expected receipt interval”.
  • Questions: 
  • Proposals:
    • The value in “Expected receipt date” should be calculated and written automatically when an order is opened. 
    • This value must be updated, when “Approval Date” is updated by re-opening an order.


  • App: Orders
  • Description:
    • The status of an order indicates if a claim is necessary. 
  • Questions:
    • -
  • Demands:
    • Open -> orders are regarded in the claiming process
    • Pending -> orders are not regarded in the claiming process
    • Closed -> orders are not regarded in the claiming process
    • The status of the orders must be evaluable for the claiming process ( UIOR-399 - Getting issue details... STATUS )