01 Einleitung und Ticket-Bewertung (Bestellmahnungen) - Funktionsanalyse

Auf dieser Seite werden vorhandene Tickets bezüglich der der Bestellmahnungen bewertet.


Proposal UB Leipzig and SLUB Dresden

Initial proposal on claims for monographs


Description Jira-tickets

UXPROD-1845 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Probably, this issue comprises the following ones?

UIOR-321 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Proposals:
    • Additional facets
      • claim number (Mahnstufe) for SLUB Dresden
    • The CQL-search (exclusion of specific values, …) should be possible 

UIOR-396 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UIOR-397 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Proposals:
    • If the “Claiming setting” (-> see /wiki/spaces/~hohmann/pages/3572651) is implemented, the relations to the checkbox in POL must be defined: 
      • The value of the POL-checkbox is derived from the checkbox in the template 
      • The value of the POL-checkbox is a superior indicator which overrules the checkbox in the “claiming settings” -> If this checkbox is changed, the value in the settings is not regarded. 

UIOR-398 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Questions:
    • Is the screen shot in the ticket correct or is it the screen shot in UIOR-399?
  • Proposals:
    • Besides the “Expected receipt date”, the status of the order should be considered for the alert to prevent claiming of orders which are set from “open” to “pending”
      -> See slide Description existing elements and values / App: Orders / “Status”).

UIOR-399 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Proposals:
    • It must be possible to show several claiming numbers and claiming processes in the POL
      -> see /wiki/spaces/~hohmann/pages/3572651). 
    • For each claim, the date on which the claim was triggered, must be available.

UIOR-498 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Questions:
    • Is there more information? It is difficult to imagine the process. 
  • Proposals:
    • There should be an automatic or batch-option. It would be cumbersome, if each claim has to be sent to the vendor manually
      -> See slides: /wiki/spaces/~hohmann/pages/3572653).

UIOR-670 - Getting issue details... STATUS