Sequencing of Secure request logic

Sequencing of Secure request logic

The diagram below shows the calls and interactions between modules while processing a secure request.

Note: the diagram is missing the work with the 3rd copy of circulation requests in the Central tenant.


title Private Requests

actor "Secure Patron" as SP
actor "Authorized Staff" as AS

box "Congressional Tenant" #LightBlue
participant "Mediated Requests\nApp UI" as MRA_UI
participant "Mediated Requests\nApp back-end" as MRA_BE
participant "Circulation\nvia mod-circulation" as modCircCT
participant "DCB\nvia mod-dcb" as modDcbCT
end box

box "Central Tenant" #MintCream
participant "Common catalog\nvia mod_search" as modSearch
participant "Users\nvia mod_users" as modUsers
participant "ECS TLR\nvia mod_tlr" as modTlr
end box

box "Data Tenant" #Khaki
participant "DCB\nvia mod-dcb" as modDcbDT
participant "Circulation\nvia mod-circulation" as modCircDT
participant "Requests App\nvia ui-requests" as uiReqDT
participant "Check in App\nvia ui-checkin" as uiCheckinDT
end box

actor "Unauthorized Staff" as US

== 1 - Accepting a new request from the Secure Patron ==

SP -> AS: make a request\nusing phone, fax, email, or similar
AS -> SP: ok
AS -> MRA_UI: create a new request
note left MRA_UI: Secure Patron details
MRA_UI -> MRA_BE: create a new record\n(including database record)
MRA_BE -> MRA_UI: ok
MRA_UI -> AS: ok

== 2 - Searching for a suitable title using information from the Secure Patron ==

AS -> modSearch: search for a title in the common catalog
note left modSearch: information about requested title
modSearch -> AS: info about available titles

AS -> MRA_UI: open existing request\nand update it with info\nabout a title
MRA_UI -> MRA_BE: update the record
MRA_BE -> MRA_UI: ok
MRA_UI -> AS: ok

== 3 - Starting a circulation request ==
AS -> MRA_UI: create a request for a known title
MRA_UI -> MRA_BE: create a request for a known title
MRA_BE -> modUsers: create a fake proxy user
modUsers -> MRA_BE: fake proxy user details
MRA_BE -> MRA_BE: save fake proxy user details\nand its relation to the real Secure Patron
MRA_BE -> modTlr: place an ECS TLR request\nfor the known title\nand for the fake proxy user
modTlr -> MRA_BE: ok
MRA_BE -> MRA_UI: ok
MRA_UI -> AS: ok

== 4 - Doing cross-tenant circulation ==
modTlr -> modDcbCT: sync
modDcbCT -> modCircCT: sync
modTlr -> modDcbDT: sync
modDcbDT -> modCircDT: sync
note left modTlr: ECS TLR supports the circulation process\nfrom Data Tenant (Landing side) to Congressional Tenant (Borrowing side)

note over uiReqDT: fake proxy patron details are used here
US -> uiReqDT: view the request's information
US -> uiCheckinDT: check-in

== 5 - Checking out ==
note right MRA_UI: real Secure Patron details are used here
AS -> MRA_UI: view the request's information
AS -> MRA_UI: check-in
AS -> MRA_UI: check-out
MRA_UI -> MRA_BE: communication with Mediated Requests APp back-end
MRA_UI -> modCircCT: communication with Circulation back-end
AS -> SP: the item is checked out and sent to the Secure Patron
activate SP
note right SP: using the item
deactivate SP
SP -> AS: returning the item

== 6 - Checking in and transition back ==
AS -> MRA_UI: check-in
MRA_UI -> MRA_BE: check-in
MRA_UI -> modCircCT: check-in

modTlr -> modDcbCT: sync
modDcbCT -> modCircCT: sync
modTlr -> modDcbDT: sync
modDcbDT -> modCircDT: sync
note left modTlr: ECS TLR supports the circulation process\nfrom Congressional Tenant (Borrowing side) to Data Tenant (Landing side)

note over MRA_UI, uiCheckinDT: finally, all the requests and loans are to be closed


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