Actions support for ECS requests

Actions support for ECS requests

Additional information


DCB Integration

Cancelation Flow Details

DCB Cancellation flow details


In the (single tenant) FOLIO Requests, the user can perform one of the actions available in the Actions menu: Cancel, Edit, Duplicate, Move, Reorder. We need to decide on the expected behavior for those actions for the ECS TLR Requests. Additionally, action menu priority:

  1. Cancel

  2. Edit

  3. Reorder

  4. Move (not available in Ramsons)

  5. Duplicate (not available in Ramsons)

Logically, we have the following entities - ECS TLR, primary circulation request, and secondary circulation request. At the same time, ECS TLR is an internal entity of the application, and there are no UI forms for it to be displayed to users. Users can only see and work with primary and secondary circulation requests.


Action scope: Cancel the current request. The canceled request should receive the status Closed - Cancelled.

Is there any way to track the item moving back from Borrowing Tenant to Lending Tenant in case of cancellation? Do we need this?

  • From DCB documentation: โ€œOn check-in at the borrowing library, a new route slip is printed, and the item will be in transit to the effective location. Once checked in at the lending library, the itemโ€™s status changes to availableโ€œ

  • Apr 9, 2024 There is an understanding that a separate special workflow exists to support an item moving back to the original tenant. At the first check-in of an item after canceling the request, information about the cancellation is already known, and this leads to the beginning of the process described above - printing a new routing slip and transiting the item back. This is not part of the circulation flow. we can rely on it

  • Apr 16, 2024 Requests: Canceling a title-level request - Hold shelf clearance report

The table below shows the expected actions when canceling a request, depending on the status of the request and its type:

Circulation Request status

and Circulation request type

Open - Not yet filled

Open - In transit

Open - Awaiting pickup

Open - Awaiting delivery

Circulation Request status

and Circulation request type

Open - Not yet filled

Open - In transit

Open - Awaiting pickup

Open - Awaiting delivery

Primary Circulation Request

(Borrowing Tenant)

  • ะกlose both requests - primary and secondary

  • ะกlose both requests - primary and secondary

  • ะกlose both requests - primary and secondary

  • ะกlose both requests - primary and secondary

Secondary Circulation Request

(Lending Tenant)

  • Cancellation is not available

  • Cancellation is not available

  • Cancellation is not available

  • Cancellation is not available

Challenge: At the current stage of the ECS TLR implementation, do we need the ability to close only the secondary request, leaving the ability to continue the search, or do we focus on canceling both requests at once?


  1. Canceling on the part of the Primary Circulation request should be already supported and does not require additional effort.

  2. Canceling on the part of the Secondary Circulation request is not available; to achieve this, the backend side would need to store an indication of whether a particular circulation request is local or part of the ECS TLR, and the frontend side would need to show or hide the Cancel action item in the menu.


Action scope: This action allows you to change the value of one or more of the fields listed in the table below.

Fields that can be changed when editing

and Circulation request type

Expiration date

Fulfillment preference (Hold shelf / Delivery)

Pickup location

Fields that can be changed when editing

and Circulation request type

Expiration date

Fulfillment preference (Hold shelf / Delivery)

Pickup location

Primary Circulation Request

(Borrowing Tenant)

  • Can be changed

  • Propagate the new value to the Secondary Circulation Request

  • Can be changed

  • Propagate the new value to the Secondary Circulation Request

  • Can be changed

  • Propagate the new value to the Secondary Circulation Request

Secondary Circulation Request

(Lending Tenant)

  • Editing is not available

  • Editing is not available

  • Editing is not available

DCB / Open ReShare does not provide the ability to set or change the parameters mentioned (there are no fields for this in the Edge DCB FOLIO API - https://s3.amazonaws.com/foliodocs/api/edge-dcb/s/edge-dcb.html# tag/circulation). Additionally, these parameters are not set when creating requests from mod-dcb mod-dcb/src/main/java/org/folio/dcb/service/impl/RequestServiceImpl.java at master ยท folio-org/mod-dcb

Therefore, only FOLIO mod-tlr, having information about both the Primary and Secondary circulation requests, can propagate/synchronize these parameters between requests as described in the table above.

Apr 16, 2024 During the meeting, it was decided that editing the Secondary Circulation Request for ECS TLR from the Lending tenant will not be available, see https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UIREQ-1088


  1. Synchronization of the specified fields requires a small expansion of the capabilities of mod-tlr.

  2. Editing on the part of the Primary Circulation request is allowed for the 3 fields mentioned in the table above; all the changes should be synchronized to the Secondary Circulation request.

  3. Editing on the part of the Secondary Circulation request is not available (the same as for Cancellation).

Reorder queue

Action scope:


and Circulation request type

Reorder the queue


and Circulation request type

Reorder the queue

Primary Circulation Request

(Borrowing Tenant)

  • Reordering is available

  • The order changes should be synchronized to the Lending tenant

Secondary Circulation Request

(Lending Tenant)

  • Reordering is not available


  1. Reordering on the part of the Primary Circulation request is allowed; the changes should be synchronized to the Secondary Circulation request.

  2. Reordering on the part of the Secondary Circulation request is not available (the same as for Cancel and Edit actions).


*Not available in Ramsons

Action scope:

  • Item level requests: You can duplicate open requests but you will need to change either the requester or the item to save the request, as there cannot be two requests on the same item by the same requester. Closed requests can be duplicated, but you will need to enter a requester barcode.

  • Title-level requests: You can duplicate any open title-level request. When you duplicate the request, you will need to change the instance or the requester, because a patron cannot have more than one open title-level request on the same instance.

Thus, for ECS TLR, the Duplicate operation makes sense. It should lead to the creation of a new ECS TLR entity, a new Primary Circulation Request, and the start of the entire ECT TLR workflow.


  1. This action item should be hidden and unavailable in the Requests App UI menu both on Borrowing and Lending tenants (in Ramsons)

  2. The workaround is to create a new request from scratch.


*Not available in Ramsons

Action scope: This action allows you to move a request from one item to another. For example, when a regular TLR exists, and some item is selected for request fulfillment, you can move the request to another available item. It is only applicable if the request status is Open - Not yet filled, later itโ€™s not possible to move.

If you move a Primary Circulation Request it means the existing Secondary Circulation Request must be canceled and a new one created.


  1. This action item should be hidden and unavailable in the Requests App UI menu both on Borrowing and Lending tenants (in Ramsons)

  2. The workaround is to cancel the initial request and create a new one from scratch.