2022-06-27 - Data Migration Subgroup Agenda and Notes

2022-06-27 - Data Migration Subgroup Agenda and Notes



Darsi Rueda

Meeting Link

Link to Recordings

Discussion items






Theodor opened a few Jiras - do these need any discussion?

https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/MODINVSTOR-921 Create API endpoint to get the current maximum assigned HRID

“Upsert works” Jira

MODINVSTOR-910 - devs say “it’s working as designed"

MODINVSTOR-924  - new Jira asking for a new api that disables optimistic locking while api runs
Lots of comments on this Jira both for and against. Some folks worried about bulk updates happening during work day and having conflicts.  Others supporting need for multiple loads during migration process, and for batch instance updates.

Julian includes workarounds, including disabling optimistic locking:
ALTER TABLE instance DISABLE TRIGGER set_instance_ol_version_trigger;
ALTER TABLE instance ENABLE TRIGGER set_instance_ol_version_trigger;

set_instance_ol_version_trigger could disable optimistic locking at the database level, for instances, holdings, items.  Postgres commands.

Decided we will do some experimenting with disabling optimistic locking and load some records.  Then enable and load some more with version number, what problems will we run into?

We also should continue to fill out our document with the impact of this problem, AND comment on the Jira ticket so the develops see our comments immediately.  So we’ll advocate for ourselves on two fronts.

Action items


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