2022-01-10 - Data Migration Subgroup Agenda and Notes

2022-01-10 - Data Migration Subgroup Agenda and Notes



Link to Recordings

Discussion items


Notes from someone who hasn't done them in a while. Can be very summary.

We will have a half-hour discussion of any ideas or issues that people may have going into the new year.

20Open discussionvarious

Notes (Ingolf):

Dale wants to hand over the Convener role this year.
Dale suggest Darsi Rueda to become the new Convener.

Darsi will think about this and might take over in a couple of month.

Ian is the new Convener of the Implementers SIG.
Let's reserve the timeslot for the group meeting weekly. We should at least have one in-person session per month. Leaning into using Slack.

Darsi is working for Stanford University. They will be migrating from Symphony and from Voyager (the Medicine Library is on a different system). The migration from Voyager will be carried out by IndexData.
Stanford will install on-premise. They will be using Kubernetes for deployment, but not Rancher.

Appoaching a platform-minimum set of modules

  • Dale encourages a discussion on this in the Community (especially in the SysOps SIG) and to proceed in this direction. Single Server installation is not being supported anymore. An installation of platform-complete is becoming increasingly difficult.
  • Use cases for platform-minimum: test environments, developer environments
  • What is the status of the Terraform solution (→ Anton). Stanislaw is not on the project, anymore. Is the Terraform solution being supported for the current releases (Juniper/Kiwi) ? Anton was interested in promoting that but it didn't go anywhere (question).
  • Dale: A one-Click installation on-premise (Kubernetes based). This is highly desirable to have. Someone package up the system as it and then install it. Then use it as a test system.
  • Ian: Independent Apps approach

Topics for next meeting

Ingolf is interested in a session about the migration of bound-width data.

Dale will ask Jeff Fleming for a presentation about bound-width in Data Migration SIG.

Dale will be busy next week with production migration for UChicago. Chicago plans to go live next week with FOLIO.

Action items

  • Think about volunteering to work with the technical writer.

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