2023-11-06 Tri-Council Chairs Meeting Notes

2023-11-06 Tri-Council Chairs Meeting Notes



Simeon Warner 

Jeremy Huff 

Discussion items

Multilingual Support in FOLIOCraig McNally 
  • Desire to collect names from other councils; formalize what we want from a non-technical perspective to inform the process
  • How does this relate to KnoweldgeWare's modules submission? Approach at the time was rejected. That module would have handled translations of dynamic data as opposed to just static strings
  • Currently FOLIO is just a single language, would like to have it be more flexible for a single site to run in both languages
  • How to translate reference data (from Internationalization SIG page)
 Platform/app formalizationAllNew subgroup to meet for the first time on November 8. First step to determine process and order of business.
Things that could be better about FOLIO

No status update on this yet

Meeting hygiene update

Adjusted select factors in PC. Still struggling with how to accommodate Asia Pacific timezone, as there is no good time period.

Action items
