Initial Community Council Elections - March 2021

Initial Community Council Elections - March 2021

Community Council Election

We are conducting the election for the first FOLIO Community Council. We are seeking individuals who have experience with one or more of:

- Leadership experience with non-profit organizations
- Strong collaborative skills who are able to drive decisions that champion the interests of the community and project
- Participating in and/or managing open community governance
- Library management systems and library workflows
- Planning software development projects
- Agile software development methodologies, including Epic, Feature and Story creation
- Knowledge of recent library operations and future needs
- Experience with defining functional requirements and understanding of technical requirements

The nomination period has ended. 


Nominations will be collected from February 12, 2021 through February 25, 2021

Voting will be open from February 26, 2021 through March 12, 2021


THANK YOU to all of the nominees for their interest in helping FOLIO become its best.

As of February 24, 2021, the following individuals have been nominated:

Shawn Nicholsonnicho147@msu.eduMichigan StateMeaningfully integrating resources into the student and researcher experience invigorates us. I seek a Community Council seat to help enliven the governance of the evolving world-wide coalition. Having held leadership roles, served on councils, notably the Digital Preservation Network during its orderly winddown, and fostered Agile/Scrum development, I find joy working with diverse groups to discover common ground through sustainable use of fiscal, technological, and human resources.
Mike Gorrellmdg@indexdata.comIndex DataI have over 30 years experience in leading teams, organizations, technology and software products. Over the last three years with the FOLIO community I have been convener of the Tech Council, the FOLIO Security working group, and the FOLIO Vision and Strategy working group, as well as a member of the Capacity Planning team, a member of ExecPC, and convener of the FOLIO Governance Taskforce. I am invested in FOLIO’s success because of my involvement in the community and as Director at Index Data.
Simeon Warnersimeon.warner@cornell.eduCornell University* Cornell in FOLIO since 2016, ERM live 2020, full go-live July 2021
* I am AUL for IT, 22 years in library IT
* Founding board member of ORCID non-profit, 2011-2020
* Helped shape IIIF community & governance
* Managed Agile dev teams, past arXiv.org tech lead
* OSS advocate: Samvera, Blacklight, DSpace
* Open-standards co-author: IIIF, OCFL, ResourceSync, OAI-PMH
* Want to serve FOLIO on Community Council to help build the strong and inclusive community essential for sustainable collaboration
Dracine Hodgesdracine.hodges@duke.eduDuke UniversityMy goal is to achieve the best version of FOLIO. As inaugural chair of the Product Council (PC), I was interested in building a motivated and collaborative community. In the years since, I have been a reliable, engaged community member on the PC as well as liaison to the functionally critical Metadata Management SIG. Recently, I was a member of the PC’s Vision + Strategy Group and began serving as liaison to the Documentation Working Group. I believe I can be of service on Community Council.
Ian Ibbotsonian.ibbotson@k-int.comKnowledge Integration (K-Int)Acted as trustee to 2 previous UK based not for profit CIC (Community Interest Companies) - "The GIST Foundation" and "Better with Data Society". Currently trustee to "Alert-Hub.org". Served on a number of protcol committees and open source project leadership boards. Working within existing FOLIO WGs and ERM projects. Worked in software for the bibliographic domain (ILS software vendors, and then companies providing open source tools to ILS vendors) since 1993.
Kirstin Kemner-Heekkirstin.kemner@gbv.deGBV (Goettingen)Want to help FOLIO being the next LMS in libraries
•Head of LMS Dept., VZG Goettingen = GBV FOLIO non-profit service provider
•Long-standing experience in LMS related strategy, resourcing, platform hosting, service, implementation, requirements
In FOLIO from the start:
•Product Council chair
•FOLIO Governance Task Force, Vision + strategy group, Stakeholder, App Inter. SIG
•GBV Project lead / FOLIO ERM apps + api’s: coop. develop. w. software companies
•Coop. OLF project GOKb
•German FOLIO Days
Jamie Wittenbergjamie.wittenberg@colorado.eduUniversity of Colorado, BoulderI am a Certified Scrum Product Owner with a strong record of innovation in libraries and effective management of open-source projects, including DSpace, Samvera, and OJS. I previously served as Project Director for CADRE, an open-source cloud-hosted data enclave for big datasets. I have served for two years on the board of DataCite - an international non-profit providing DOI-minting services. I bring experience setting strategy for community-developed solutions to the FOLIO Community Council.
Keven Liuwliu@libnet.sh.cnShanghai LibraryDeputy Director of the Shanghai Library and Vice Chairman of Shanghai Library Society. Previous head of computer center for more than ten years and led the development of library systems and led multiple China National Foundation projects. Established the FOLIO Development and Application Consortium in Shanghai, directing and coordinating over a dozen companies to provide upgrade services to nearly twenty district libraries in Shanghai. Working to establish a national FOLIO consortium in China.
Harry Kaplanianhkaplanian@ebsco.comEBSCO Information ServicesFocused on ensuring FOLIO thrives as an open source library platform that supports the vision for successful library futures via community expansion.
• Past roadmap facilitator. Ensured librarian needs, PO & development efforts aligned.
• Facilitated early requirements & continue to help with community feature priority processes & planning.
• Contributor to PC, Exec PC, Wolfcon planning, Cap planing, Governance task force & part time PO.
• Helped bring PO & PM discipline to FOLIO project.
Paula Sullengerpsullenger@tamu.eduTexas A&M University

• Assoc. Dean for Information Resources, managing 8 units and ~70 people
• Extensive budgeting & fiscal oversight experience
• Product Council member, chair 2018/19
• Convener, Implementers Group
• Member of Vision & Strategy Group
I look forward to addressing issues beyond the scope of the current PC, particularly the financial resources needed to make FOLIO the premiere library services platform. I will strive to make coordination and communication priorities as the FOLIO community expands.

Tom Cramertcramer@stanford.eduStanford University

Stanford is new to FOLIO, and I want to bring the energy and fresh perspective of a new adopter to the Community Council. I have a history of building productive communities in libraries & OSS:
* AUL at Stanford Libraries
* Founder of IIIF
* Co-founder of Samvera, Fedora Repository, and LD4 (linked data) communities
* First adopter and major supporter of Blacklight
* Steering Group (past or present) for Open Repositories, PASIG, VIVO, IIPC
* Board of Directors experience for three lib orgs

Maike Ostersosters@hbz-nrw.deHBZ (Cologne)

Head of LMS Group. hbz is a non-profit service provider with lots of expertise in supporting libraries, implementation projects and hosting.
• First hbz library will go-live in July 2021
• Member of the FOLIO Community since the beginning
• Project Lead FOLIO + GOKb at hbz
• Product Council, Vision + Strategy Group, Stakeholder, OLF Community Outreach
• Working within diff. SIGs, ERM
• German FOLIO Days
My goal is to serve the evolving needs of the community and establish a sustainable FOLIO.

Boaz Nadav-Manesbon219@lehigh.eduLehigh University

• Eager to assist FOLIO to become the ultimate system of choice
• Lehigh in OLE since 2008 – full FOLIO live since Aug. 20
• Member of FOLIO Governance TF, FOLIO Stakeholders, current FOLIO SMLLC Manager
• In TS, Collections, and management roles led multiple migrations and collaborative innovation of library systems
• SCRUM Master, former Director of ISNI Assignment Agency
• Member of PALCI, EAST, Project ReShare steering committees. Convener the Controlled Digital Lending Implementers group

Leander Seigeseige@ub.uni-leipzig.deLeipzig University Library

Leander Seige is Head of Digital Services at Leipzig University Library (LUL) since 2011. He is committed to a general open source and open access strategy. In 2014, he led the implementation of VuFind at state level in Saxony and today he manages the FINC community of VuFind operators in Germany. Leander Seige represents LUL on the OLE board. Under his leadership, LUL was one of the first libraries in Germany to implement FOLIO. He is an active member of the IIIF community and he loves to code.

Marko Knepperm.knepper@ub.uni-mainz.deUniversity Library Mainz

- Head of Digital Library Services and deputy director of the University Library Mainz
- Over 20 years experience in managing library IT infrastructure and services
- Technical responsibility for various OS based development projects
- Finding the role in bridging the gap between technical aspects and the management perspective
- Speaker of FOLIO working groups for the HeBIS network and Rhineland-Palatinate, representative in Product Council and OLE Board

Rachel BesaraRachelBesara@MissouriState.eduMissouri State UniversityAD of Libraries since 2017, overseeing Tech & Public Services
Former Director of STEM Libraries at Florida State U. (4 years)
MO State FOLIO Implementation Leadership Team (Live on FOLIO June 2020)
Assessed functional and technical requirements for large ILS/LSP implementations and shared borrowing platforms
Experience in UX assessment/as a SME in agile software development
Numerous leadership roles in ALA/ACRL
As an early implementer we want to help build a vibrant, sustainable FOLIO community
Kathleen Berrykgberry@umass.eduFive CollegesMy name is Kat Berry, and my role is the Head of Information Resources Management at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, part of Five Colleges Inc. My professional experience with FOLIO, library operations, and collaborative projects presages a positive impact in the FOLIO community as a Council Member. I will build transparent, efficient governance for a resilient community. I am passionate about documentation, resolving conflict, and reducing redundant efforts.


The following fifteen individuals have been elected to the inaugural Community Council as of March 15, 2021:

  1. Kathleen Berry
  2. Rachel Besara
  3. Tom Cramer
  4. Mike Gorrell
  5. Dracine Hodges
  6. Ian Ibbotson
  7. Harry Kaplanian
  8. Kirstin Kemner-Heek
  9. Marko Knepper
  10. Keven Liu
  11. Boaz Nadav Manes
  12. Maike Osters
  13. Leander Seige
  14. Paula Sullenger
  15. Simeon Warner